The WHITE PAPER on TRANSPORT– Where do we stand? European Economic & Social Committee Brussels, 6th March 2015 The WHITE PAPER on TRANSPORT– Where do we stand? 01.11.2012, Hamm Christopher Irwin, Vice Chair // EUROPEAN PASSENGERS‘ FEDERATION //
34 member organisations 20 countries EPF MAP January 2015 Inform about new member in Denmark
European transport policy initiatives A legacy of achievement: Open Skies Connecting Europe Facility Decentralised Agencies Passenger Rights
Reduced emissions and oil-dependency ˂60% by 2050 Improving infrastructure and technology has brought high speed trains between, for example, London and Paris, Brussels and Frankfurt or Paris and Barcelona.
No ‘conventionally-fuelled’ vehicles in urban areas by 2050 Key targets No ‘conventionally-fuelled’ vehicles in urban areas by 2050 Cut road’s share of longer-distance freight to less than half Majority of medium distance passenger journeys to rail Improving infrastructure and technology has brought high speed trains between, for example, London and Paris, Brussels and Frankfurt or Paris and Barcelona.
‘Command economy’ unacceptable ‘Distress purchase’ or Mode of choice? The business context ‘Command economy’ unacceptable ‘Distress purchase’ or Mode of choice? Improving infrastructure and technology has brought high speed trains between, for example, London and Paris, Brussels and Frankfurt or Paris and Barcelona.
The pressure is getting greater Wider health impacts of transport: x8 more lethal than accidents Worsening congestion costs: = 1.5% GDP by 2050 Pressure on urban space: 1 bus = 20 cars Improving infrastructure and technology has brought high speed trains between, for example, London and Paris, Brussels and Frankfurt or Paris and Barcelona.
The underlying challenge How do you launch a Moonshot? Improving infrastructure and technology has brought high speed trains between, for example, London and Paris, Brussels and Frankfurt or Paris and Barcelona.
Quality Satisfied users Modal shift Political support Funding The virtuous circle Quality Satisfied users Modal shift Political support Funding A Trip from Wetzlar, a medium town in the north of Frankfurt to Lille, maybe to a meeting with European Railway Agency Looking on German Rail website, there are quit good connections But, no price information. I call my frequent travellers agent. “No, I can’t sell you a ticket. I can sell you one to Bruxelles, but for Thalys we can’t do anything. Please use there website”. I decide to use my German Rail Pass to go to Cologne and try to get a cheap Thalys-Ticket Köln – Lille. The network-plan shows Cologne and Lille But surprise, surprise... Again this ticket is not available on the website... If internet is available, we can do this life in the meeting!
Fast-track creation of Single European Transport Area Prioritising actions Fast-track creation of Single European Transport Area Achieve modal shift through service quality Deliver a more transparent, competitive market Public transport to relieve urban congestion & air quality Manage TEN-Ts through competitive concessions Effective x-border regulation & enforcement at EU level Streamlined but robust security & border control Door to door journey information and ticketing Consistent – and enforced - Passenger Rights acquis Clear timetable for delivering PRM needs A cultural change which, by focussing on end-users’ needs, secures public investment and employment Improving infrastructure and technology has brought high speed trains between, for example, London and Paris, Brussels and Frankfurt or Paris and Barcelona.
Thank you for your attention!