How OG21 could make a difference within PETROMAKS? Reidar Muller, dr. scient Advisor in PETROMAKS
Petroleum research in Norway - 2008 The Research Council of Norway OED Other ministries OG21 – national strategy unit CRI CoE Tax incentives For enterprises R&D Insti-tutes Univ. JIP Demo 2000 50 MNOK PETROMAKS 244 MNOK
Key operating figures in PETROMAKS 2008 150 running projects; total value 2,0 Billion NOK Budget 2008: 250 million NOK Approx 60 projects with international participation Approx 200 phd and post.doc financed The Petromaks program has grown into a large program with 230 running projects and a total value 2,1 BNOK Approx 60 of the projects has international participation. The program are funding approx 175 phd’s and 30 – 50 preprojects annually
Projects per Target Area The distribution among these thematic categories shows that more than 50% are related to subsurface technologies and this is core for the oil industry and very important
TTA2-portfolio Thematic area Number of projects Total funding Geophysical methods 17 55046393 Reservoar modelling 9 43679500 Regional geology, basseng-analyse 12 93918150 Reservoar geology 7 61513500 Others (gas hydraterets c) 4 17180487 Totalt 49 271338030 Approx. 80 and ph.ds within TTA2 supported through the PETROMAKS programme.
PETROMAKS Status PETROMAKS following OG21 target areas in the evaluation of the portfolio. OG21 incorporated in the program plan of PETROMAKS OG21 important for PETROMAKS – OG21 arguments for the need of petroleum research to the ministry and increased funding to petroleum research Communication between the PETROMAKS board and the OG21 board through the administration and meetings.
OG21 and PETROMAKS - Challenges: Find specific research priorites. However, Project quality, innovation, research content and quality must be HIGH. OG21- as a meeting place: Stimulate to new ideas and projects Define state of the art and research needs for the future from the companies perspective Certain research areas are not in the OG21 strategy. Dialogue is needed.
How PETROMAKS make a difference for Petroleum research in TTA2? Competence building – ph.d and Stimulate companies, universities and research institutes to carry out petroleum research Stimulate to cooperation between academia and oil companies through public funding Long term and basic research. It takes often 15- 20 years from a good idea to commercialization.
Overall challenges for PETROMAKS New talents More high risk projects/ game changers versus incremental projects Are the PETROMAKS money important for the research in the companies? Many projects evaluated as excellent and very good do not get funding because of the budget situation