Prompt Positive Action: Early interventions with offenders aged 18-25 in South Wales Presenter: Sian Rees, South Wales Police Noddir gan Sponsored by
18-25 Diversion Context 18-25 - What it does 18-25 Operation 33% of recorded crimes committed by 18-25 age group 27,000 recorded crimes annually 10,577 arrests in 2013 18-25 - What it does To prevent offending, and reduce re-offending in the 18-25 age group To test the impact of early intervention following a first offence 18-25 Operation Western/Central/Eastern BCU Third Sector led ‘Triage’ Northern BCU (CWM TAF) Local Authority led ‘Divert’
18-25 Individuals Experience Offence Arrest Screening Assessment Intervention Offence - Gravity score 3 or below - Work or student in SWP area Arrest Voluntary attendance at one of four Bridewells Screening - Eligibility - Take responsibility
What Happens One day workshop/bespoke support/appropriate referral Offence Consequences Health/Social Needs Victim Empathy Reparation Staff training includes ACEs, CSE, DV, C-Card, Assist Suicide Training, First Aid, Safeguarding, Trafficking
Cardiff Pilot Data 2015-Identified Health Needs 161 Referrals/154 Attended/142 Accepted 74% Alcohol was a feature in the offence/arrest 24% Disclosed regular Class B use 11% Disclosed regular Class A use 18% Disclosed undiagnosed mental health needs (rises to 45% amongst males in 2016 cohort) Characteristics 27% of female cohort young parents 6% of male cohort young parents 25% of cohort not engaged in education, employment or training 68% no previous involvement with any professionals (except statutory education) E.G. only 6% of cohort previously known to any YOS Total SWP Area -Identified Health Needs 2016/17 597/748 under influence of alcohol and/or drugs -80% 61/748 had a disability -8% 43/748 had parental responsibilities -6% 35/748 were no fixed abode -5% 228/748 referred to local/national agencies offering support after intervention completed -30%
Listen to what they said Since attending Triage, I have focused on what inspires me in life and have not felt the need to resort to alcohol and nights out to enjoy myself. It has been a real eye opener and has made me think a lot about certain choices I make regarding alcohol and my reactions to situations. I hope that by attending Triage, I have repaired the harm that has been caused and that my apology will be accepted. Male, 20 years old, Employed I listened to that woman talk about her own story (in the Consequences of Crime Workshop) and she was brave to say it like. But then I thought is that what I’ve had. Am I bi-polar? I don’t know but I think I get down, depressed like and this has helped me and now (my Triage Project Worker) has given me the confidence to go to the Doctor and talk about it. Male, 21 years old, student I learnt a lot & I’m hoping to take everything said on board & never go down that route again. The DIVERT staff are lovely and have really helped