9600 baud (and higher) packet radio on the cheap Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap
9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap Why 9600 baud? Its faster than 1200bd Its cheaper than 1200bd. Needs less kit. Greater bandwidth efficiency Greater data through put Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap
9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap Where’s the catch? Home brew equipment Need PC based computer No TNC interface Modifications to your rig Exacting modulation rules Not ‘Plug And Play’ Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap
9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap What’s available? Sound cards BayCom Yet Another Modem (YAM) OE5DXL-96 PIC-PAR XYW-9600 GMSK 28k8 Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap
9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap Sound cards Any 16/32 bit Full Duplex card Typical price £10 Supported by Linux, APE-Term, FlexNet etc Re-usable hardware Have to build keying circuit Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap
9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap Homebrew kit Most need no special tools Some need EPROM code Start at around £10 Some only available as boards/parts list Most cannot be used for satellite work Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap
9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap YAM - Yet Another Modem Very small Can do any speed up to 24k Full Duplex Uses FPGA - needs code Cost around £20 Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap
9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap G4XYW Modem Satellite compatible Full duplex ability Regen repeater ability G3RUH compatible CWID capable Software upgradable Cost £20 Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap
9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap Junk box components 9k6 only Build on Vero Half duplex Cost around £5 Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap
9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap VFast28.8 GMSK Add-on for TNC Can do up to 38k4 Kit of parts Full duplex Cost around £80 Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap
9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap AX576 - GMSK Up to 57K6 Full duplex TAPR/PacCom software TNC interface Cost around ???? Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap
9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap PicPAR - DF9IC Plugs into printer port Up to 38k4 Half duplex Kit of parts Cost £40 BPQ support Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap
9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap Ethernet Microwave solution Raw Ethernet at 10Mbts Full duplex Cost £30 Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap
9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap Software & Drivers ‘Nuff said! Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap
9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap Software & Drivers Various software packages Add on drivers Only 1 ‘native’ package Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap
9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap That’s all Folks! Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 9600 baud (and faster) packet radio on the cheap