SVQ Business and Administration Network Event 2016 Senior External Verifier Update
Senior External Verifier Update In the centres sampled : Assessment instruments were appropriate There was sufficient evidence Judgement of candidate evidence was appropriate Centres were well aware of the National Standards and of the appropriate Assessment Strategies relating to these awards Assessment decisions were valid and reliable Candidate evidence was well presented and well assessed
Senior External Verifier Update Very good “Evidence Tracking Sheets” for every unit, showing evidence tracked against PIs and K and U Evidence within the Portfolios was clearly structured with good cross-referencing from the Optional Units into the Core Units Good balance between Performance Evidence and Supporting Evidence with good use of storyboards/personal statements to place the evidence in context – good annotation of evidence
Senior External Verifier Update The Assessment Guidance developed by SQA has helped centres gain an accurate understanding of the National Standards
Senior External Verifier Update All assessors had appropriate qualifications and experience. New assessors were working towards appropriate qualifications. Excellent evidence available that assessors take part in standardisation meetings
Senior External Verifier Update Very good Observation Reports – marking PIs and K and U covered as well as cross-referencing to the Core Units
Senior External Verifier Update There was good clear evidence of assessment planning There were clear stages of planning, assessing, review and feedback Candidate feedback indicated that they were very well supported by assessors.
Senior External Verifier Update Excellent evidence of IV procedures being applied appropriately – robust IV procedures in place. Evidence of prompt, accurate and helpful feedback to assessors and candidates. Best practice in internal verification is to have the activity spread evenly over the life of the Portfolio rather than at the end – there was strong evidence that this was the procedure in many centres.
Senior External Verifier Update Very good evidence of CPD taking place. Variety of ways of recording this CPD. Best practice CPD, not only showed the courses/meeting attended, but also had a column to record the impact of this CPD on the assessor/verifier.
Senior External Verifier Update E-portfolios – excellent increasing use of e-portfolios – one main advantage of e-portfolios is the availability of candidate evidence on-line to the assessor at any time and can be viewed prior to visiting candidates. There was also a good variety of evidence including photographs, audio files, video files.
Senior External Verifier Update New Development Points Ensure evidence explicitly covers all PIs claimed as occasionally the coverage was implied For internal verification it is best practice to spread the activity throughout the life of the portfolio. It is also useful to carry out Internal verification soon after assessment decisions have been made. This allows candidates and assessors to respond quickly to any feedback from the IV process Where possible centres should obtain evidence from the underpinning knowledge from performance evidence rather than a bank of questions
Senior External Verifier Update Centres should familiarise themselves with the Assessment Guidance and Understanding Standards material produced by SQA SQA’s website contains a variety of information and resources to support these awards