University of California Los Angeles ALCT and TMB Status Martin von der Mey Jay Hauser University of California Los Angeles Mezzanine board production status ALCT384 production status ALCT672 and ALCT288 status TMB prototype status TMB future plans Electronics integration at UC FAST site
Power, computer connectors ALCT384 Boards Power, computer connectors 80 MHz SCSI outputs (to Trigger Motherboard) Xilinx Mezz. board 24 Input signal connectors Delay/ buffer ASICs, 2:1 bus multiplexors (other side) Analog section: test pulse generator, AFEB power, ADCs, DACs (other side) Spartan XL
Mezzanine Board Status All FPGAs were purchased. 462 XCV600E. 112 XCV1000E. 232 mezzanine boards were initially produced and assembled (120 XCV600E, 112 XCV1000E). Additional order (230 XCV600E) of printed circuit boards received. Problems with Xilinx Eproms. Some load but can’t verify (fail at address 0x0). Problem only with ISE (impact) and not with Foundation software. Xilinx changed production for them. New 175 Mezz. Boards assembled. 100 already tested.(29 bad ones). 16 had problems with Eproms (shorts). 10 don’t verify (strange since pre tested). 3 not even load (TDO problem->reassemble).
ALCT Production Testing Using 3 stations. 2 for testing. 1 for fixing. 2 shifts per day Crew of 4 students testing. 2 students helping Valeri Iatsura with fixing. Update database.
Testing Board
Problems Encountered Most frequent problem: Delay chips have shorts. Some replaced Shorts at bus multiplexer Seldom problem with delay chips after burn-in Few problems with Slow Control Eprom. Had to replace them.
ALCT384 Boards Order of 250 boards sent for assembly 158 ALCT384 boards were received so far. 142 fully tested before and after 2 day x 70oc burn-in. 6 boards require repair. 10 boards still need to be tested. Enough boards for shipping to FAST sites. 45 shipped to UCLA and UFL FAST sites already. Have parts for all boards including -672, -288 varieties.
ALCT-384 Production
ALCT-672 and ALCT–288 Assembly of 6 boards of each type is complete ALCT-672: 3 to PNPI, 1 at UF, 1 FNAL, 1 at UCLA ALCT-288: 3 to IHEP, 1 at UF, 2 at UCLA Boards fully tested and no problems were found First batch of 123 out of 130 ALCT-672 PC boards delivered Sent 22 ALCT-672 for assembling Should we do a batch of the ALCT-288 (22 or more)? Waiting for chamber tests before assembling additional boards (?)
ALCT-672, ALCT-288 ALCT-672 ALCT-288
Problems found (FAST) 5 problem boards, all fixed: ALCT loaded with wrong FPGA firmware. ALCT was sending wrong standby patterns. ALCT was noisy. One of the test pulse outputs was always enabled. ALCT displayed wrong temperature and current. Problem with ADCs. Connectors improperly soldered. Test suite was updated to eliminate future problems. Also, sensitivity to very large external electromagnetic noise (arc welding). Used Faraday generator to test this.
Trigger Motherboard (TMB) Input connectors From ALCT Main FPGA (on back) XILINX XCV1000E Mezzanine board From 5 CFEB’s Generates Cathode LCT trigger with input from CFEB (comparator) Matches ALCT and CLCT; sends trigger primitive info via MPC to Lev-1 muon trigger, sends anode and cathode hits to DMB.
TMB Integration at UCLA FAST Site in May Full set of peripheral crate electronics: TMB with DMB, CCB DDU readout through Gbit Ethernet to Linux PC Also full set of AFEB, CFEB, ME2/2 chamber Debugged DAQ readout Timed in DAQ system Debugged trigger modes Developed software libraries for downloading FPGAs and talking to boards via VME
TMB Prototype Status 18 boards assembled and working. Some assembly problems with connectors. PHOS4 delay ASIC write-only setting work-around (shadow register). PHOS4 delay ASIC unreliable power-on reset sequence fixed. PHOS4 problems only in combination with CCB PHOS4 delay chips. Full set of bench tests. Testing board built to check inputs and outputs (VME backplane). Next set of tests at UCLA with OSU under discussion: Integration of the whole system DDU readout (TTCrx?) Multi chamber and multi crate readout Full set of trigger patterns High-rate tests
Current TMB Modes Source Delay Ext Description CLCT VPF No N Type Source Delay Ext Description CLCT VPF No N Cathode LCT Pattern Trigger, this is the normal trigger mode 1 ALCT VPF Adj Y ALCT Trigger acting as Scintillator 2 ADB Test Pulse Anode Test Pulse Trigger 3 DMB Ext Trig DMB Calibration Trigger 4 CLCT Ext Trig FAST Site Scintillator Trigger 5 ALCT Ext Trig ALCT External trigger, force TMB readout if ALCT VPF absent 6 VME Ext Trig VME External trigger, for self-test
TMB Future Plans (Hardware) Real peripheral crates will require a transition module in back to receive signals from ALCT and RPC cables. Virtex-II mezzanine card may be produced to replace Virtex-E. Producing small PC board for PHOS4 replacement.
PHOS4 Replacement New Delay chips TMB uses PHOS4 chips for adjusting 10 clock delays (CFEBs, ALCT, DMB and RPC). Trying out Data Delay Devices (3D3444). Each has 4 channels PHOS4 5 channels => 3 chips necessary to replace 2 PHOS4 chips. They have (16x2.0ns) and (16x1.5ns). First test (2.0ns) duty cycle 68/32 for data sent from CFEB to TMB New Delay chips
TMB Firmware Plans Top priorities, mainly for FAST sites: Change the key layer from 3 to 4 for software reasons (ORCA). Add di-strip and multiple patterns. Di-strip patterns greatly increase (x4 to x16) the flux of cosmic ray CLCTs at the FAST sites. Multiple patterns are included in the ORCA simulation. First approach lead to a big FPGA (XC2V4000). New will probably fit in the old XCV1000E. Add DAQ multi-buffer handling capability. Add RPC coincidence logic. Replace PHOS4 chips. New firmware necessary.
TMB Patterns (First Try) Ly0 _x__ Ly1 _x__ Ly2 _x__ Ly3 _x__ Ly4 __x_ Ly5 __x_ Ly0 _x__ Ly1 _x__ Ly2 _x__ Ly3 _x__ Ly4 _x__ Ly5 _x__ Ly0 x___ Ly1 x___ Ly2 xx__ Ly3 _x__ Ly4 _x__ Ly5 _x__ Ly0 __x_ Ly1 __x_ Ly2 _xx_ Ly3 _x__ Ly4 _x__ Ly5 _x__ Ly0 _x__ Ly1 _x__ Ly2 _x__ Ly3 _x__ Ly4 x___ Ly5 x___ Ly0 x___ Ly1 x___ Ly2 xx__ Ly3 _x__ Ly4 _xx_ Ly5 __x_ Ly0 __x_ Ly1 __x_ Ly2 _xx_ Ly3 _x__ Ly4 xx__ Ly5 x___ Use angle to decide priority of muons Didn’t fit XCV1000E XC2V4000 necessary
TMB Patterns Ly0 xxx_ Ly1 xxx_ Ly2 xxx_ Ly3 _x__ Ly4 xxx_ Ly5 xxx_ New TMB firmware: Ly0 xxx_ Ly1 xxx_ Ly2 xxx_ Ly3 _x__ Ly4 xxx_ Ly5 xxx_ Hits ordered by priority Programmable for each ½-cell Bending angle look-up after selection Di-strip envelopes included Fits XCV1000E
New CSC Event Display Decode DDU information Correlate CLCT & ALCT information Check TMB information See Brian Mohrs talk
Conclusions ALCT production in excellent shape. Production of ALCT-672,-288. Testing working fine. Implemented feedback from FAST site. TMB prototypes in good shape. Few minor changes to do to firmware and hardware of the TMB. Testing PHOS4 replacement and new patterns. New tests on the way with OSU toward full integration of the system.