How to Write Rock Descriptions
The Big Picture Source Rock Weathering Physical: Rock Bits Chemical: Ions Transport Sediment Flows Fluid Flows, Etc. Deposition Burial Compaction Diagenesis, Etc. Sedimentology Observation Interpretation Stratigraphy
Rock Descriptions
Why do we care?
Why do we care? It is your job… (seriously…) Basic competency Cannot do interpretation without observation You get paid for interpretations… (Cash money…) Shame… Look cool! VS
Learning Goals Know what a rock description is Know how to write a rock description Know what things can be included in a rock description A little practice…
Outline Rock Descriptions Practice What it is How to do it What to include Practice
What is a Rock Description? Written description of rock Observations Cannot take (all) rocks home! Your notes Communication with others So they understand what you observed
How to Write a Rock Description Start with rock name Describe small scale features Grain characteristics Describe larger features/organization Organization of clasts/parts Start small, work big
How to Write a Rock Description Generally: Succinct Really dense (boring) text Clear Well organized Observations support Name given to rock Later interpretations NO INTERPRETATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What to Include in a Rock Description Include what is useful Do NOT mention if not useful Nothing extraneous See handout Has the content of this lesson too… And an example!
Practice Write a rock description of a different rock in front of you (second rock out of three) Legibly! 5 minutes
Practice Hand your writing to a neighbor Edit it well 5 minutes Return the edits to your partner
Practice Write a rock description of the last rock you have not described! Legibly! 5 minutes
Practice Hand your writing to a neighbor Edit it well 5 minutes Return the edits to your partner
Practice: Homework Turn in: Completed handout Typed and edited rock description of rock #2 Typed and edited rock description of rock #3 Typed rock description of an unknown rock