National 5 essay writing
What the marker is looking for? Your answer should be relevant to the task- all points, quotes and analysis should be an answer to the second part of the essay question. Analysis of quotations and what it helps the reader/audience understand- you must discuss techniques: word choice, character, setting, camera angle, costume etc. A logical structure- introduction, 4 or 5 PEER paragraphs, conclusion. You should write in chronological order of the text.
Introductions Say what the name of the story/film is and who wrote or directed it. Give a brief summary of what the story/film is about. Put in a link to the essay question you have chosen. Helpful hints: NEVER say “In this essay…” Don’t write everything that happens in your summary of the plot. If you can, when writing your summary, try to talk about the elements of the plot that are relevant to the question. Remember to put “ “ around the title of the text.
Main Paragraph PEER structure. Point - a sentence or two which answer the essay question in some way. This part will also explain what you are about to talk about in the paragraph. Evidence - an example of what you’ve talked about in the point. This could be a quote or reference to a particular aspect of the scene. Explanation - Mention which techniques have been used (characterisation, costume, lighting, camera shots/angles) and the effect they have on the audience. Reference to question - link your explanation back to what the essay question is asking.
Conclusions Re-state the title and writer/director of the text. Summarise the main points you have made about what the essay question asked. End the paragraph with one final sentence which refers to the essay question in some way and gives your opinion on the text.
Relevance to the task The questions are usually made up of two sentences. The first sentence lets you know whether your text is suitable. The second sentence is the one you answer.
Example Choose an opening sequence from a film which effectively holds your interest and makes you want to watch the rest of the film. By referring to appropriate techniques, show how the elements of the opening sequence have this effect, and how they relate to the film as a whole.
The opening scene holds the audience’s interest through the use of the soundtrack. The use of the song “If I didn’t care” is effective in engaging the audience as the presence of a popular song in the background contrasts with the severity of the situation where Andy appears to be contemplating murder. Additionally the lyrics cause the audience to question the relevance of Andy’s emotions and whether or not he does care for his wife. As the film progresses this idea of care becomes highly relevant as Andy blames himself for the fate of his wife as he did not show that he cared for her enough. Therefore the use of the soundtrack at this point in the film captures the audience’s interest and makes them continue watching as it seems unusual at this point in the film but creates interest in the character of Andy and his relationship with his wife.
Why this example was chosen It is on task and uses words from the question in their response. Has a clear structure: Point, Evidence, Explanation, Reference to task Talks about techniques/features: camera angle and theme Analyses the techniques/features and their effect on them as an audience member. Focuses on one aspect- camera angles Discusses the film as whole, even though they are only talking about aspects of the opening.
Example Choose a short story in which the writer creates a realistic or convincing character. By referring to appropriate techniques, show how the writer creates this character, and say why you find him or her to be realistic of convincing.
Characterisation makes Marian so much more convincing Characterisation makes Marian so much more convincing. The fact Marian is so set on passing her test makes her seem real and is shown by Gibbs when Marian yelled “Damn you” at the inspector. The use of the short sentences make her convincing as it seems like she is shouting at the inspector and showing her true emotions for the first time. Also the use of the word choice “damn” suggests that she is very upset and is swearing at the inspector as she is no longer able to hold her feelings in as he has bullied her so much. If anything it made Marian a more admirable character and she became more convincing as this is a reaction you could imagine from a real person. She inspired us in this turning point as she stood up for herself and it was frustrating for me as a reader that the inspector had pushed her to this. She is a strong woman who endured so much in that short story and you heavily sympathised for her.
Why this example was chosen It is on task and uses words from the question in their response. Has a clear structure: Point, Evidence, Explanation, Reference to task Talks about techniques/features: setting and character Analyses the techniques/features and their effect on them as a reader.
Practice questions – The Shawshank Redemption Choose film with a scene which had an impact on you. Briefly describe the events which led to this scene, then by referring to appropriate techniques, go on to show how that impact was created. Choose a film which belongs to a particular genre (e.g. adventure, romance, thriller…) By referring to appropriate techniques, explain how the film makes have used features of this genre effectively. Practice essay questions - The Test
Practice essay questions - The Test Choose a short story in which you feel sympathy with one of the main characters because of the difficulties or injustice or hardships she or he has to face. Describe the problems the character faces, and by referring to appropriate techniques, show how you are made to feel sympathy for her or him. Choose a short story which describes a person’s experience. By referring to appropriate techniques, explain how the description of the experience makes the short story more interesting.