The SIOP® Model PRACTICE & APPLICATION NC Guide to the SIOP Model Institute The SIOP Model Overview The SIOP® Model PRACTICE & APPLICATION 1 min In the Practice & Application component, the teacher gives the students a chance to practice with the new material, and with teacher guidance demonstrate how well they are learning it. ELs need more than just comprehensible input. They need Targeted output that focuses on the content, concepts and language of the lesson. Practice in both listening and discussing important content concepts, and Opportunities to write about content information. 1 1
Transformed I Can Statement Identify and describe a variety of ways for students to enhance their learning through hands-on practice and application of new knowledge. 1 min Here are the content objectives for Practice & Application. Note to presenters: There are several ways to present content and language objectives. We suggest that you vary the presentation of these as you go through each component. You might: Ask participants to read them aloud. Ask one participant to read them aloud. Ask participants to read them silently. The presenter reads them. The next 3 ideas are from Making Content Comprehensible 4th edition, Teaching Ideas for Lesson Preparation p. 44 Ask participants to pick out important words from the objective and highlight them. Ask participants to paraphrase the objective with a partner, each taking a turn, using the frame: “We are going to learn___”. Present the objective and then do a Timed Pair-Share, asking participants to predict some of the things they think they will be doing for this section.
Practice & Application Features Activities Integrate All Language Skills Hands-on Practice with New Knowledge Application of New Knowledge in New Ways 2 min For English learners this stage of a SIOP lesson is very important because both language and academic learning occur through language use in the classroom. Students must have opportunities not only for comprehensible input, but also targeted output, that is, oral and written practice. Both the practice and application tasks should aim for practice of all four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking plus thinking.
Guiding Principles 5. Students learn language and culture through meaningful use and interaction. 6. Students use language in functional and communicative ways that vary according to context. 7. Students develop language proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing interdependently, but at different rates and in different ways. 3 min WIDA has similar points in its 10 Guiding Principles. Take a moment to reflect on these 3 guiding principles, #5, 6 and 7 . How do these relate to the SIOP classroom? Allow a minute for self reflection. Talk to you inner self.
Practice & Application Features Activities Integrate All Language Skills Hands-on Practice with New Knowledge Application of New Knowledge in New Ways 2 min Although all students benefit from guided practice as they move to independent work, English learners make more rapid progress in mastering content objectives when they are provided with multiple opportunities to practice with hands-on materials and/or manipulatives. Manipulatives help ELs connect abstract concepts with concrete experiences. In addition, hands-on materials reduce the language load for students. Students at the entering and emerging levels in English can still participate and demonstrate their learning.
Example: Practice & Application Activities 1 min In this component we will share examples of activities from North Carolina classrooms and WIDA classrooms which are used to practice and apply language and content concepts. Thinking Maps Interactive Notebooks Foldables
Practice & Application Features Activities Integrate All Language Skills Hands-on Practice with New Knowledge Application of New Knowledge in New Ways 1 min The difference between knowing about something or how it should be done and being able to do it is huge. Practice makes permanent so we want our students to practice the new information with our guidance. We learn best by involving ourselves in relevant, meaningful application of what we are learning. Some students may need targeted reteaching while others are ready to move on. Application examples: organize new info on a Graphic organizer, generate solutions to real life problems, explain a process to a peer, retell a story with a different ending,
Practice and Application in Middle School Science Think about while you watch: 1) What types of hands-on activities did you see in the classroom? 2) What does this teacher do to help students practice and apply language and content knowledge? 10 min TO GET THE CLIP: LOGIN to the Pearson PDToolkit Select the SIOP Videos Check the Practice and Application box Select the clip titled “Practice and Application in Science” While watching, ask participants: 1) What types of hands-on activities did you see in the classroom? 2) Keep a list of what the teacher does to help students practice and apply content and language knowledge. Call on individuals to share observations & suggestions of observations. Clock Buddy
Practice & Application Features Activities Integrate All Language Skills Hands-on Practice with New Knowledge Application of New Knowledge in New Ways 1 min One of our goals for our English learners is for them to be proficient in all 4 language domains – listening , speaking, reading, and writing. We know that these 4 skills are mutually supportive and that practice in any one promotes development in the others. As SIOP teachers we want to create many opportunities for our students to practice and use all four language skills in an integrated manner. Need to create varied opportunities for practice – link oral discussion to reading, structure interaction with peers, use sentence starters and signal works, have students listen to one another and react to peer’s ideas, have students write about what is learned. Not all language skills are related to the objective. Some students make developmental errors – no past tense or inflected endings, issues with placement of adjectives, plurals and sentence structure. Research shows that impromptu corrections are less effective than setting aside a part of the lesson to focus on grammar. If errors impede communication then restate the communication correctly. If it is a written product work with the student to make corrections. If students make the same error over and over do a mini lesson.
Paired Reading and Comprehension Check Questioning 1 min Since their group had a lower reading level in English, any written information they received during the unit was modified for their students’ language level and they read/worked the text with interactive support from peers. Of course, following the Common Core requirement to read complex texts, they would, at times, also analyze small chunks of scientific text from science journals and the textbook. If using this in a regular class with ELs in it, the same activities would have been used, for example text and graphic organizer, but the complexity of the text and graphic organizer would be different for regular native English speakers. Also, as unit progresses, the level of text and design of graphic organizer became more progressively complex Share Thinking Maps
Reflection Think about your last 90 minutes of instruction with your students. Estimate how many minutes your students spent: Listening Speaking Reading Writing What activities did they do to practice and apply these language skills? Considering the information we have just discussed, what would you continue to do the same and what would you try to change? 2 min Ask participants to reflect on these questions in a quickwrite. ***Share out with a clock buddy (call out a time: 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, or 12:00).
REMEMBER-practice should: Be consistent be divided into short, meaningful amounts incorporate both content and language concepts of the lesson/topic/unit be introduced using clear, sequential steps and directions be modeled to ensure students understand what to do 3 min We must not forget that practice is also needed in LANGUAGE of the concept/topic. Clear explanation of academic task as we learned in Comprehensible Input is needed here as well as understanding of an activity’s steps must be checked before beginning the activity. For example, ask students to paraphrase back to you what they need to do before they begin the task. Directions should also be provided in writing when possible for students to refer back to if they do not remember what step to do next. And remember to show your students show what they need to do whenever possible – if it is written exercises, do a couple examples as a whole group first.
WRAP UP An idea that I am going to try is ____ because____. Share your idea with a partner at your table 3 min Share a concept or idea that strongly resonated with you today using the sentence frame.
Sample SIOP Lesson Plan 4 mins HO: Sample SIOP Lesson Plan: Making Predictions. We will model how the features of Practice & Application can be part of your lesson plan. Participants highlight features of Practice & Application in sample lesson. Point out two gray areas in lesson which show practice and integration of all language skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening). Ask participants if they see any other examples.
Owning Practice and Application Continue to write a lesson plan you can use including the features of Practice & Application Hands-on materials and/or manipulatives provided for students to practice using new content knowledge in the classroom Activities provided for students to apply content and language knowledge Activities integrate all language skills 5-10 minutes Participants continue to SIOP their lesson, adding the features of Practice and Application. Consider having participants work for 5-10 minutes, adding an (*) in the areas where they want to work or make notes to help them complete the plan later (evening??) Participants can SIOP their lesson individually or with a partner. 15 15
Transformed I Can Statement Identify and describe a variety of ways for students to enhance their learning through hands-on practice and application of new knowledge. 1 min Here are the content objectives for Practice & Application. Note to presenters: There are several ways to present content and language objectives. We suggest that you vary the presentation of these as you go through each component. You might: Ask participants to read them aloud. Ask one participant to read them aloud. Ask participants to read them silently. The presenter reads them. The next 3 ideas are from Making Content Comprehensible 4th edition, Teaching Ideas for Lesson Preparation p. 44 Ask participants to pick out important words from the objective and highlight them. Ask participants to paraphrase the objective with a partner, each taking a turn, using the frame: “We are going to learn___”. Present the objective and then do a Timed Pair-Share, asking participants to predict some of the things they think they will be doing for this section.