Group 6 Chastity Byford Celisha McGhee Doug Tistle Karla Tyler Silicon Photonics Group 6 Chastity Byford Celisha McGhee Doug Tistle Karla Tyler
What is silicon photonics? Silicon is a chemical element that is widely used as a semiconductor Photonics is the science and technology of light A photon is a quantum of light energy
Silicon-based Lasers Will allow information to travel by light in gigabytes per second Could be made with same equipment used for microprocessors
How the laser works Silicon and indium phosphide are bonded together Electric current is sent through the combination Negative and positive particles combine with the indium phosphide and produce photons The photons produce a beam of light
Silicon Modulator A modulator is a device that processes various periodic waveforms to use that signal to transmit a message Can encode data at 30 gigabits/second Possible to make faster computers that produce less heat
How the modulator works It contains a diode that allows electric current to flow in only one direction Light goes through it at one end and splits into two beams that go through silicon diodes The diodes alter the position of the light wave This alteration encodes data which represents a 1 or 0
Benefits to businesses Transactions and information at the speed of light Better decisions because of more information Smaller devices improve commerce Cheaper costs and higher profit margin