Guidelines for the Thesis Challenged
The Map A thesis statement (TS) is a guide map to your entire paper. It provides a mini-summary of the paper’s content. It allows the reader to know in advance how the paper is organized. It lets the reader know why he/she should care. (The “So What?”)
Express Yourself The thesis statement expresses the main ideas of your paper and previews the answer to the question or questions posed by your paper.
What Can A TS Do For You? Helps you start drafting. Helps keep you focused. Helps to narrow your subject to a single, central idea. Serves as a point of reference if changes occur.
Two Main Parts Topic Assertion A Thesis Statement generally consists of two main parts Your topic, and then the analysis, explanation, or assertion, that you’re making about the topic. Assertion Topic
Two Main Parts Topic Analysis Explanation Assertion Part 1 Part 2
To Do List Make a concise assertion about your topic. Limit the statement to only one idea. Make the assertion specific and significant.
To Do List At least imply your purpose. Unify the statement so that the parts relate to each other.
A Thesis Statement Gone Wrong
A Thesis Statement Gone Wrong This new product brought in over $30,000 last year. This is a statement of fact without an assertion. What’s the significance of the product’s success. (The “So What?”)
A Thesis Statement Gone Wrong Before: This new product brought in over $30,000 last year. After: This product succeeded because of its innovative marketing campaign, including widespread press coverage, in-store entertainment, and a consumer newsletter.
General Examples of Award Winning Thesis Statements
General Examples Show that essay’s purpose is to explain. Show essay’s organization. Show that essay’s purpose is to persuade.
Purpose to Explain The following examples of thesis statements announce that the essays’ purposes are mainly to explain about their subjects.
Pecking Order in an Office Two months working in a large government agency taught me that an office’s pecking order should be respected. Assertion: Should be respected Topic: Office’s pecking order
Web Distribution of Music Because artists can now publish their music directly via the Web, consumers have many more choices than traditional distribution allows. Assertion: Have many more choices Topic: Consumers
What Public Relations Does Although most of us are unaware of the public relations campaigns directed at us, they can significantly affect the way we think and live. Assertion: Affect the way we think and live Topic: Public relations campaigns
Organization The following example on preventing juvenile crime clearly predicts the organization of the essay.
Preventing Juvenile Crime Juveniles can be diverted from crime by active learning programs, full-time sports, and intervention by mentors and role models. Assertion: Can be diverted from crime in three ways Topic: Juveniles
Persuasion The following example on federal aid to college students announces that the essay’s main purpose is to convince the reader of something.
Federal Aid to College Students To compete well in the global economy, the United States must make higher education affordable for any student who qualifies academically. Assertion: Must be made available to any qualified student in the U.S. Topic: Affordable education
Checklist Questions
Checklist Questions Does the statement make a concise assertion about your topic? Is the assertion limited to only one idea? Is the assertion specific and significant?
Checklist Questions Does the statement at least imply your purpose? Is the statement unified so that the parts relate to each other?
Specific Examples of Thesis Statement Types
Three Specific Types of Thesis Statements Analytical Expository (Explanatory) Argumentative
Three Specific Types of Thesis Statements Analytical Compare/Contrast essays
Analysis Essay In an analytical paper, you are breaking down an issue or an idea into its component parts, evaluating the issue or idea, and presenting this breakdown and evaluation to your reader.
Analysis Essay An analytical thesis statement will explain: What you are analyzing. The parts of your analysis. The order in which you will be presenting your analysis.
Analysis Questions What did I analyze? What did I discover in my analysis? How can I categorize my discoveries? In what order should I present my discoveries?
Analysis-Example An analysis of barn owl flight behavior reveals two kinds of flight patterns: patterns related to hunting prey and patterns related to courtship.
Analysis-Example A reader could expect that the paper will provide an explanation of the analysis of barn owl flight behavior, and then an explanation of the two kinds of flight patterns.
Three Specific Types of Thesis Statements Expository (Explanatory) Illustrative essays Explicative essays Descriptive essays
Explanation Essay In an expository paper, you are explaining something to your reader.
Explanation Essay An expository (explanatory) thesis statement will tell your audience: What you are going to explain to them. The categories your are using to organize your explanation. The order in which you will be presenting your categories.
Explanation Questions What am I trying to explain? How can I categorize my explanation into different parts? In what order should I present the different parts of my explanation?
Explanation-Example The lifestyles of barn owls include hunting for insects and animals, building nests, and raising their young.
Explanation-Example A reader could expect that the paper will explain how owls hunt for insects and animals, build nests, and raise their young.
Three Specific Types of Thesis Statements Argumentative Persuasive essays Argumentative essays Cause/Effect essays
Argumentation Essay In an argumentative paper, you are making a claim about a topic and justifying this claim with reasons and evidence.
Argumentation Essay This claim could be an opinion, a policy proposal, an evaluation, a cause-and-effect statement, or an interpretation.
Argumentation Essay This claim must be one that someone could possibly disagree with because the goal of the paper is to convince the reader that your claim is true based on your presentation of your reasons and evidence.
Argumentation Questions What is my claim or assertion? What are the reasons I have to support my claim or assertion? In what order should I present my reasons?
Argumentation—Example Barn owls’ nests should not be eliminated from barns because barn owls help farmers by eliminating insect and rodent pests.
Argumentation—Example A reader could expect that the paper will present an argument and evidence that farmers should not get rid of barn owls when they find them nesting in their barns.
Review Checklist
Checklist Questions Does the statement make a concise assertion about your topic? Is the assertion limited to only one idea? Is the assertion specific and significant?
Checklist Questions Does the statement at least imply your purpose? Is the statement unified so that the parts relate to each other?
LET’S PRACTICE: THESIS OR FECES In his article Stanley Fish shows that we don't really have the right to free speech. This paper will consider the advantages and disadvantages of certain restrictions on free speech. The government has the right to limit free speech.
LET’S PRACTICE: THESIS OR FECES Although we have the right to say what we want, we should avoid hurting other people's feelings. None of the arguments in favor of regulating pornography are persuasive. If we can accept that emotional injuries can be just as painful as physical ones we should limit speech that may hurt people's feelings in ways similar to the way we limit speech that may lead directly to bodily harm.
LET’S PRACTICE: THESIS OR FECES Teachers have influenced my life. Cutting classes is like a disease. Going to college prepares a person for the future and it is increasingly expensive. Older people often imitate teenagers. Violence on television can be harmful to children. In today’s society, child abuse is an awful thing.
LET’S PRACTICE: THESIS OR FECES Teenagers should not get married. Smoking damages the body. The music business is pretty complicated. There are many different types of students in college today. Students have developed a variety of techniques to conceal inadequate study from their instructors and they often get away with it.
The jeans industry targets its advertisements to appeal to young adults. From cartoons in the morning to adventure shows at night, there is too much violence on television.
Although I agree with Jeane Kirkpatrick’s argument that environmentalists and businesses should work together to ensure the ecological future of the world, and that this cooperation is beneficial for both sides, the indisputable fact is that environmental considerations should always be a part of any decision that is made. Any individual, if he looks deeply enough into his soul, knows what is right and what is wrong. The environment should be protected because it is the right thing to do, not because someone is forcing you to do it.
Although I agree with Jeane Kirkpatrick’s argument that environmentalists and businesses should work together to ensure the ecological future of the world, her argument undervalues the necessity of pressuring businesses to attend to environmental concerns that may not benefit them in the short run
Although an important part of one’s college education is learning to better understand others’ points of view, a persistent danger is that the students will simply be required to substitute the teacher’s answers for the ones they grew up uncritically believing.
Although some might argue that the presence of rock and roll soundtracks in TV commercials has corrupted rock’s spirit, this point of view not only falsifies the history of rock but also blinds us to the ways that the music has improved the quality of television advertising.