The Jewish Holidays
Tu B’Shvat Arbor Day New Year for trees Plant trees in Israel in honor/memory Eat a new fruit Fruit is not eaten from a tree within its first three years
Chanukah Festival of Lights Menorah Eight days The Maccabees ♦Miraculous victory over Greek persecution/religious oppression ♦ Flask of oil to light the menorah for one day…lasted eight Potato Latkes Dreidel Jelly doughnuts Songs
Rosh Hashanah “Head of the Year” Beginning of introspection; looking back on mistakes made that year Resolution Special prayer book Apples and honey Shofar Book of Life L’Shanah Tovah Walk to flowing water and empty pockets symbolizing the casting off of sins
Yom Kippur Day of Atonement Most important holiday of the Jewish year Even the most secular Jews observe Affliction of the soul; atone for all sins Judgment of God is entered in the Book of Life and the book is sealed. Atone for sins between man and God Sins against another person must be reconciled No work Fasting Customary to wear white to represent purity Special prayer book Confession of sins through prayer
Purim Joyous, fun Story of Esther, Mordechai and Haman Groggers Megillah Costumes; people dress as Purim characters
Passover Exodus from Egypt Removal of “chametz” from homes (anything made from five major grains must be thrown away or sold to a non-Jew) Matzah Change dishes Clean entire house Seder: ORDER Blessing over the wine Blessing over bitter herbs washing hands The sandwich vegetable dipped in salt water Dinner Breaking of three matzahs Afikomen (hiding the matzah) Story of Passover Grace after meals Washing hands Praises; psalms Blessing over matzah Closing; next year in Jerusalem
Sukkot Begins five days after Yom Kippur Commemorates the 40 year period the Jews lived in the desert Sukkah Decorated Eat dinner, pray and sleep in the Sukkah
Completion of the annual cycle of weekly Torah readings Simchat Torah “Rejoicing the Torah” Completion of the annual cycle of weekly Torah readings Singing and dancing with the Torah
Holocaust Memorial Day Yahrzeit candles lit Yom Hashoah “Shoah”=Holocaust Holocaust Memorial Day Yahrzeit candles lit
Israeli Independence Day Yom HaAtzmaut Israeli Independence Day Marks the modern establishment of Israel in 1948 Hatikvah: Israel’s National Anthem
Shavuot Festival of the Weeks Commemorates the fresh fruits and harvests brought to the temple Celebrates giving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai Dairy meal…land of milk and honey
Tishah B’av Ninth day of Av Fast Commemorates all tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people Events coincidentally fall on ninth of Av; destruction of both temples and expulsion from Spain