PreK-3 Principal Leadership Series Session 3: Provide Personalized Blended Learning Environments October 25, 2016
Session 3 Overview Agenda Strategy building Growth mindset Commitment Communities of practice Jessica/Bondo/Jeannie: Welcome Back Everyone! It is wonderful to be a part of this amazing group of leaders who continue to enhance programming, leadership and partnerships for all stakeholders PreK-3 in Minnesota. We (the three of us) have had a chance to review feedback and ideas generated in both session one and two and are energized by the efforts occurring in your district and learning right alongside of you during each of our sessions. As a brief review Adam spoke about the impact of Mindsets during our last session. A few ‘Adamism’ that have stuck with us include: “Every teacher in our building has a mindset about teaching”, “At some point everyone fails-it is how we respond that depends on our mindset” and from our twitter feed: “We cannot improve if we keep doing everything the same way”, “Recognizing what happens in schools and classrooms is your fault allows you to take responsibility and make change”. In the Rigorous and Robust PreK-3 Learning Environments coursework occurring as we speak educators across MN are working within their schools and across districts to shatter their own fixed mindsets and develop a strong case for growing no matter what the age or learning stage they are currently in by building a collaborative PLN. Groups are connecting via Facebook groups during this work to share learning and work together for all PreK-3 kids in Minnesota. Understand ways to provide welcoming, collaborative learning environments that support personalized learning, including the effective use of technology.
Lead Learners “Lead learners build professional capital across their organizations by modeling learning, shaping culture, and maximizing the impact on learning.” (Fullan and Quinn, 2015, p. 54) Moving forward into session three we are going to be diving into the learning around personalized, blended learning environments. Tying into this work is the opportunity we have to intentional connect the implementation drivers described in Coherence to our Principal Leadership Series work.
Cultivating Collaborative Cultures Discuss your insights and strategies from session 2. How do these relate to and enhance your strategies? Culture of Growth Learning Leadership Capacity Building Collaborative Work One of the questions that came up after the last session was: “What if we don’t have control/authority over one of these stakeholders?” How can we move this work forward in a meaningful way and not make it seem like just “one more thing” we have to do. I would (and this is after two years of working on this and a lot of research) reframe thinking of this as “One more thing” but more as “The Most Important Thing”. Creating systems to support effective leadership of PreK-3 efforts in your school communities to improve outcomes for all children is really the most important work we can do as leaders-no matter what the name plate on your desk states. Once you are grounded in that believe-everything else becomes an opportunity to plant a seed in cultivating this work. For example (using this visual). In what ways can you take some of the ideas your peers have identified in the wiki and make them your own? How can you model what Dr. Holland and the other presenters have shared back in your building as a way to shape culture and ensures that everyone knows what you are about? What is the “one” thing you want to focus on first and how can you influence others to join in on the work? In the words of Koo Koo Kangeroo “You’re all Invited!”-reach out to preK or elementary and included them in the work-if they say no the first time….ask again. Visit other settings, ask questions, listen….learn and then lead. With these steps (and this framework) you can really work to establish relationships that don’t relay on “authority” but a mutual goal of ensuring success for all students and that is what will move this work forward.
Collaborative Work - Strategy Building Contributions Here is a visual from the Wiki to guide your morning work time. The strategies survey is available on our event website, and participants were emailed ahead of time. Some of your ideas ranged from PreK - K cross grade level meetings. Identify assessments given. Align the skills assessed at the PreK level to the kindergarten assessments and identify gaps in the curriculum On Early Release Days once a month, grade level teams will meet with the grade level before and after them to align standards and discuss grade level expectations in language arts and math. Creating how to videos (read to your child, questions to ask, math game to play) to share via Schoology, before our Halloween paras (because every family shows up Early) Regularly Scheduled Meetings Sharing Curriculum & Best Practice Info Initial discussions around identifying and responding to differences between PreK and K …and we are sure more are to come after today. You will have the next 30 minutes to discuss their strategies and other P3 work as a result of their work from last session (and the time between sessions).
Cultivating Collaborative Cultures Discuss your insights and strategies from session 2. How do these relate to and enhance your strategies? Culture of Growth Learning Leadership Capacity Building Collaborative Work During this work time please reflect on the visual and questions. What are you currently doing in these areas that is enhance your work? What could you do a little different, a little more that would enhance your strategies. As you all know-our time is precious and it is critical to Focus on What Matters. We will be walking around and will try to connect you with other sites that have similar goals and focus-but feel free to walk around and discuss with others as well. If you have questions in regards to roadblocks-feel free to flag one of down and we will do our best to either get you support or connect you with other sites that have overcome those obstacles to move This Important Work forward.
Our Day Adam Holland Self-Assessment Doug Paulson Collaborative Work 9:10 slide After work time, bring group together and briefly go over agenda. Introduce Adam. If we could direct you to the folders to go through the materials/agenda for the day. Please refer to the detailed agenda show above and the Discussion/Work times handout (if color coded identify that).
Collaborative Worktime Generate strategies for Competency 3 indicators. Incorporate components of collaborative cultures. Discuss a strategy with a colleague from another district. 1:45 slide Slide for end of day worktime.