Asexual Reproduction Asexual Reproduction
Definition Only 1 parent is required to produce offspring. They offspring look identical to their parent, so they are CLONES
5 Types Budding Fragmentation Spore Formation Vegetative Reproduction Binary Fission
Binary Fission Single celled organisms use binary fission. A single parent cell copies its genetic material and divides into two equal cells. An equal number of chromosomes must end up in each daughter cell! Common in bacteria and amoebas
Bacteria They can use binary fission to replicate themselves every 20 minutes! Because they multiply so fast, they experience a lot of mutations Some mutations help them survive against antibiotics that are designed to kill them
Budding An organism produces an outgrowth or “bud”, which detaches from the parent and becomes its own organism. This is common in hydras and sponges and yeast.
Fragmentation If an organism is broken apart when injured, the small fragments can develop into a clone of its parent! An example is the sea star and milfoil. What is milfoil?
Vegetative Reproduction Special cells, usually in stems and roots of plants, divide multiple times to produce a plant identical to the parent. They grow very close together and become fierce competitors. Examples are tulips, strawberries, and potato sprouts
Spore Formation A spore is a reproductive cell that grows into a new individual wherever it lands Spores are very light, and are easily carried by wind and water Spores can survive in very extreme weather conditions due to their tough outer coat Examples are bacteria, some fungi, some mosses and ferns
Cutting Humans remove a piece of the plant and plants it in special hormones that tell the cell to start growing and dividing. Researchers have determined the correct amounts of nutrients necessary to help ‘cuttings’ grow roots! How has this benefitted the human race?
Grafting In grafting, a desirable piece of a plant is joined to the roots of another plant. The plant will grow better when it is attached to a vigorous root system.
What are some advantages to being able to reproduce asexually?
Advantages Large numbers of offspring are made from only one parent Large colonies can form that out-compete other organisms for food and water Large amounts of organisms mean that the species will survive, even if the environmental conditions or predators change Energy is not required to mate
What are some disadvantages to reproducing asexually?
Disadvantages Offspring are genetic clones! What if you are a crappy parent with bad genes? There is no variety in the offpsring Some methods produce offspring that live so closely to them that they end up competing with each other! Extreme conditions have been known to wipe out entire colonies