GMES In-Situ Coordination GMES services and emission inventories workshop 10 October 2011
Outline GISC project GISC approach GISC progress Next steps Partnerships Catalogue of in-situ requirements Cost valuation Next steps
GMES In-Situ Coordination - GISC The Goal is to develop an initial framework for and secure sustainable provision of in-situ data in support to GMES products and according to end user requirements FP7 funded - Coordination action Running from 2010 to 2012 Team of 11 people with different backgrounds and expertise
GISC approach Classify in-situ data required by the GMES services The in-situ component shall ensure coordination of in-situ data collection and in-situ data access for GMES services. Annex to the GIO Regulation (9) Classify in-situ data required by the GMES services Compare with available data and identify gaps Design and implement solutions that will close gaps Make use of existing capacities Concluding partnerships Pct from 4
Partnerships Progress report on partnerships The implementation and operation of GMES shall be based on partnerships between the Union and Member States… Art.4 of the GIO Regulation Progress report on partnerships Bilateral meetings with countries Initial stakeholders list Agreements with EEA: Signed with EuroGeoSurveys Under negotiation with EuroGeographics Under way with EUMETNET and ECMWF Dialogue with Research projects 5
Catalogue of in-situ requirements Atmosphere Marine Emergency Land Meetings with GMES services – clarification of in-situ requirements Living Catalogue of in-situ data needs and requirements Follow–up by an in-depth analysis of in situ data requirements: overlaps - gaps - constraints - costs 6
Cost valuation - methodology Update of cost assessment based on better knowledge base, consultation with MS and organisations 2010 2011 December October January July Initial database of in situ requirements Initial cost assessment € 339,800 k / year Review process of in situ requirement database May Consultation with GMES services & update of in situ requirement database (continuing) 7
410,440 21% 339,800 Cost valuation 2011 2010 Setup Data Access Operational Coordination annual cost in 1000 €
Next Steps Review of cost assessment – input to the impact assessment Finalisation of agreements with EuroGeographics, EUMETNET Country visits – building partnerships Analysis and prioritisation of in-situ requirements Input to the WP2012
For more information… …and thank you!