What is Heart Rate? The number of heart beats per minute. Heart rate is expressed as beats per minute or bpm.
How can heart be used? Heart rate is used by medical professionals to help diagnose and track medical conditions. It is also used by athletes to get the most out of training.
What is resting heart rate? A person's heart rate when they are at rest, that is lying down but awake, and not having recently exerted themselves.
What is the average resting heart rate? The average resting heart rate ranges between 60 to 80 beats per minute. Well trained athletes may have a resting heart rate of 60 bpm or lower. Lance Armstrong – 32 Miguel Indurian and Alberto Contador – mid 20’s (cyclists) Ryan Hall – 29 (marathoner)
What is Maximum Heart Rate? The highest number of heart beats individuals should achieved during physical exertion and depends on age. The most common formula used is 220 – age 220 - 43= 177 bpm As age increases, MHR decreases
What is Target Heart Rate Zone? MHR is used to determine THRZ Because individuals could only maintain MHR for 2 minutes before hitting the wall, a % of MHR is used during training. Range between 60% to 80% Athletes may train as high as 90-95% of MHR
Should I train at 60 or 80% of MHR? Dependent upon personal goals Goal: Weight loss 60% Fuel source - fats 40-60 minutes Goal: ↑ Cardio fitness 80% (athletes train as high as 95% of MHR) Fuel source - carbohydrates 20 minutes
How do I calculate my THRZ? Formula: Example: 220 – age = MHR MHR X .60 = MHR X .80 = THRZ = .60 to .80 220 – 43 = 177 MHR 177 x .60 = 106 bpm 177 x .80 = 142 bpm THRZ = 106 – 142 bpm
Monitoring Heart Rate Two convenient sites to use Radial pulse at the base of the thumb of either hand Carotid pulse at the side of the neck Count heart beats for 6 seconds and multiply by 10 ( add 0 to #) e.g. 16 beats x 10 = 160 bpm
3-2-1 What 3 numbers do you use to determine THRZ? What 2 locations can heart rate be taken? What should one do if heart rate is below THRZ? Above?