Classification 9.2 Formative 3 NAME: DATE: PERIOD: Complex multicellular producers Multicellular consumers that break down food outside, then absorb nutrients Complex multicellular consumers that lack cell walls Ancestral eukaryotes that other eukaryotes may have evolved from Divide by binary fission; producers in group may be ancestors of chloroplasts Multicellular eukaryotes with cell walls made of the carbohydrate chitin All unicellular and prokaryotic; some are photosynthetic producers All unicellular and prokaryotic; some live in extremely hot, salty or acid environments Strands with eukaryotic segments instead of tissue made of cells Body of multicellular organisms are made of mycelium DNA is circular (in a loop) and is similar to DNA in chloroplasts PLANTAE FUNGI ANIMALIA PROTISTA EUBACTERIA ARCHAEABACTERIA
Classification 9.2 Formative 3 NAME: DATE: PERIOD: Slime molds and water molds; unicellular or colonies Chains of cells that share cytoplasm and have cell walls made of chitin Have been on earth at least 3 billion years, often found where other organisms cannot live Unicellular or simple multicellular eukaryotes that do not fit into plant, animal or fungi kingdoms Body of lichens Eukaryotic multicellular with chloroplasts, cellulose cell wall and large vacuole Methanogens, halophiles, thermophiles Multicellular eukaryotes with cell walls made of the carbohydrate cellulose Unicellular and multicellular; must live on or near food; break down foods outside body, then absorb Eukaryotic photosynthetic partner in lichen Common prokaryotes; Cell walls form shape of body: bacilli, cocci, spirilla PROTISTA FUNGI ARCHAEABACTERIA PLANTAE EUBACTERIA