SAM – Status as at 15 OCT 2014 SAM Vers 1 was frozen from 1 May 2012. Deputy CEO Edison Bayas is the new SAM system owner. The SAM Support Unit reports directly to the Deputy CEO. SAM Project Management is to be handled by Senior SAM Support Officer Philip Masing. SAM vers 2 has been placed on hold pending the outcome of a review to be undertaken after the rollout of the Online Application and Payment Gateway. Only changes being implemented in Vers 1 are: Performance improvements. Fixes to new “bugs” New functionality required by changes in legislation SOWs (Statements of Work) approved by senior management Online application (OA) and Payment Gateway (PG) integration with SAM SAM Team continues to work on modification and delivery of SAM reports. SAM Team will now be responsible for training all new SAM users plus refresher training. A training schedule has been issued and is posted on the staff Intranet.
SAM - OA/PG Development OA/PG major features: Able to be used by direct applicants, Agents, Sponsors etc. Applicants can store and recall incomplete course applications. Only completed applications with all required supporting documentation (electronically attached) can be submitted. Requires upfront payment of ML and PTE course fees at time of submission. Automatically enters application details into SAM. Applicants can view the processing status of their application PG is integrated into SAM so all payments are automatically recorded in SAM PG incorporates a facility to allow applicants to accept a Letter of Offer. All fees can be paid via the PG facility
OA/PG DELIVERY The OA development has 3 delivery components. Delivery 1 covers Direct Applicants, Delivery 2 covers course control and Delivery 3 covers Agent applications. Delivery 1, 2 and 3 has been delivered and has undergone acceptance testing. PG has been delivered and is awaiting IT to setup in Test before internal SAM Team testing can begin. The OA and PG must be implemented in parallel. Once internal SAM team testing of integrated OA/PG is complete UAT can be scheduled with other business units. Current estimate the OA & PG will be UAT ready by early November, with UAT to commence mid November.