Scholastic Academic Specific - Six Subjects
Exam Pattern for Class 6 to class 8 Month Classes VI – VIII Term -I May Pre-Mid Term (30 marks) Sep Mid Term (80 marks) Term-II Dec Post-Mid Term Mar Final Examination (covering the entire syllabus)
Syllabus Coverage for Final Examination Class VI Class VII Class VIII 10% of 1st term covering Significant topics + entire syllabus of 2nd term 20% of 1st term covering Significant topics + entire syllabus of 2nd term 30% of 1st term covering Significant topics+ entire syllabus of 2nd term
Grading System for Scholastic Areas Marks Range Grade 91-100 A1 81-90 A2 71-80 B1 61-70 B2 51-60 C1 41-50 C2 33-40 D 32 & below E (Needs improvement)
INTERNAL ASSESSMENT (20%) Notebook Submission (5%) (Regularity, Punctuality, Neatness & Notebook upkeep) INTERNAL EVALUATION 10% of Periodic Test marks Subject Enrichment Activities (5%) Language 1 English Speaking & Listening Skills Language 2 Hindi/French/Malayalam Science Practical Lab Work Mathematics Math Lab Practical Social Science Map Work & Project Work
Co-Scholastic Activities The aspect of regularity, sincere participation, output and teamwork be the generic criteria for grading in the following co-scholastic activities: Work Education - Work Education refers to skill-based activities (Computer Science ) Art Education (Visual & Performing Art: Art/ Dance/ Music) (c) Health and Physical Education (Sports/ Scouts & Guides/Yoga etc.)
Co- Scholastic Physical Education ART Music Dance Music
Grade A Outstanding B Very good C Fair Grading in Co - Scholastic Areas Grade Remark A Outstanding B Very good C Fair
DISCIPLINARY MEASURES Improper Uniform (includes shoes & socks, haircut & hair colour, accessories, makeup, nails etc.) Frequent late attendance Bringing contraband items to school (GSM, CD’s, cameras, tobacco etc.,) Truancy Irregular in academic activities Disrespect to teachers Tattoos (This card is issued by Class Teacher in consultation with subject teacher and HOD) B L U E C A R D C R I T E R I A - 01
Use of improper and abusive language Use of improper and abusive language Leaving school premises without permission Using unfair means in examinations Stealing or damaging School properties Teenage issues Vandalism (This card is issued by Vice-Principal in consultation with Discipline Committee and HOD) DISCIPLINARY MEASURES C R I T E R I A - 02 Y E L L O W C A R D
DISCIPLINARY MEASURES Immoral acts in the School premises Misuse of Social Media by posting negative comments/images on School, Students and Teachers Serious manhandling of students Any other offence of serious nature like smoking/drinking in the school premises or bringing obscene literature to School ISSUED BY THE PRINCIPAL I (iSSIThis card is issued by Principal in consultation with Vice-Principal and Discipline Committee) C R I T E R I A - 03 RED C A R D
The best inheritance parentS can give to THEIR children is a few minutes of their time each day.
PRAYER AND Uniform Checking Special class for class XII 2017-2018 Time Period 7:10a.m -7.30a.m PRAYER AND Uniform Checking 7.30a.m-8.10a.m FIRST LESSON 8.10a.m-8.55a.m SECOND LESSON 8.55a.m-9.05a.m Break 9.05a.m-9.45a.m THIRD LESSON 9.45a.m-10.25a.m FOURTH LESSON 10.25 a.m-10.40 a.m 10.40a.m-11.20a.m FIFTH LESSON 11.20 a.m-12.00p.m Sixth Lesson 12.00p.m -12.40 p.m Seventh Lesson 12.40 p.m-12.50 P.m 12.50 p.m – 1.30 p.m Eighth Lesson 1.30 p.m – 2.10 p.m Ninth Lesson
Thank You