Notes 22.3: Using Color
Three primary colors of pigment: Magenta Cyan Yellow magenta + cyan + yellow = black
Pigments work by taking away one of the colors from white light Pigments work by taking away one of the colors from white light. (Subtractive colors) Yellow absorbs blue light (R+G reflected) Cyan absorbs red light (B+G reflected) Magenta absorbs green light (R+B reflected)
Printers will run paper through 4 times with the CMYK process to produce all colors.
During Photosynthesis, the chlorophyll in a plant will absorb red and blue and reflect green. The plant uses the absorbed light energy to form sugar.
Colorblindness: Occurs when one or more of the types of cones do not function properly. Affects 1 in 13 men. Red/green colorblindness is the most common.