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Presentation transcript:

Standard Grade History What you need to know

Three topics: Unit I: Changing Life in Scotland and Britain Context B: 1830s-1930s Unit II: International Cooperation and Conflict Context A: 1890s-1920s Unit III: People and Power Context C: Russia 1914-1941

Unit I: Changing Life in Scotland and Britain Context B: 1830s-1930s Population: Growth and movement Technology and change: Coal mining Railways Health and Housing: In the countryside In towns Changes in work: On the land In coal mines Parliamentary Reform: Extending voting rights Women’s campaign to get the vote

Unit II: International Cooperation and Conflict Context A: 1890s-1920s Causes of WWI including: Alliances Naval Arms Race Tension in the Balkans Sarajevo and the outbreak of war Experience of war: Soldiers on the Western Front Civilians in Britain Civilians in Germany New technology and its effects: Tanks Gas machine guns Aeroplanes Artillery Treaty of Versailles and treatment of Germany League of Nations

Unit III: People and Power Context C: Russia 1914-1941 Nature of Tsarist government Discontent under the Tsar: Economic hardship Political opposition Effects of First World War February Revolution, 1917: Provisional government – formation & characteristics Abdication of Tsar Nicholas Discontent under Provisional Government: Demands for “Peace, bread and land” October Revolution, 1917 Civil War between Bolsheviks, (Reds) and Whites Lenin and Bolshevik Government War Communism New Economic Policy Activities of Communist government under Stalin including: Five year Plans Collectivisation Political Purges Stalin and the Kulaks