Diane Shires Freshman Language Arts Back To School Night! Diane Shires Freshman Language Arts
Background BA - Comparative American / British Literature, UCSC MA - LIberal Arts, St. John’s College CLAD / Clear Teaching Credential, San Jose State University, Secondary Ed. English Language Arts, CLAD certified Collegeboard AP Language and Composition training SPHS alumni SPMS alumni Marengo Elementary Alumni
Background Last
Curriculum Semester One Non Fiction Unit To Kill A Mockingbird Unit Semester Two Greek gods and mythology Unit Romeo and Juliet Unit Homework- 10 literary terms every 2 weeks Student’s choice Young Adult Novel - one per quarter
Homework 10 literary terms every 2 weeks * In the reference section in the back of the green textbook * Memorize first sentence. Not multiple choice! * * Quizlet.com - online index cards with self tests, memorization games, audio, memorization helps
Homework Student’s Choice Young Adult Novel - Check out novel from SPHS library or SP Public library - Award winner or well reviewed - Literature / Fiction / Non-Fiction - First novel - Selected by September 26th and completed by November 1st. - NOT a part of a series that is being currently read. - One novel each quarter. - Grade level appropriate as well as individual reading level appropriate. - Classwork / homework - in class reflections, quickwrites, recommendations, presentations, etc., at the end of each quarter
Wish Night... 1. Library Resource Set of AP Language Textbooks The Informed Argument - 7th Edition, Robert Miller (8 to 10 copies as part of a library resource set) 2. Great Homework and Study Skills DVD 3. To Kill A Mockingbird CD (Audio book) 4. Replacement Lamp for Dell 2400MP Projector. Part # (CDW) 2380334 Donations of tissue boxes and hand sanitizer are happily accepted...
E-mail- dshires@spusd.net Contact Information E-mail- dshires@spusd.net Checked daily Monday through Friday Teacher Web page sphs.spusd.net Click on “faculty” Click on “Diane Shires” Office Hours 6th period (even days) 7th period (every day) After 3 p.m. (Monday through Friday)