Stivichall Primary School Online Safety and gaming. Information sharing evening for parents December 2016 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge Purpose of the presentation To look at how your children use the internet and how they use technology for playing games. To raise your awareness of online safety and to deepen understanding of the impact on your children • To provide guidance on online safety and privacy for your children • To answer any questions you might have and to provide practical resources and strategies which you should be using at home. 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge Some facts and figures 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge Cyberbullying is a growing issue 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge Before we go too far and jump into taking action, think about the following………. We can’t turn off the Internet and stop playing games online or on consoles The Internet is all around us and everything can be done online now It has so many positive uses. Information has never been so freely available Gaming is run by billion dollar industries with an advertising budget to match 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge Educate Empower Prevent Protect 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge And we should remember …. The world changes. Children do not. 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge Our own school situation We need to emphasise that this is an issue which is both present in our school and which is having an impact on behaviour, attitudes and self image 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge Is it an issue at Stivichall? Stivichall is no different to any other school in that the concerns about Online Safety are an ever increasing issue. In fact.. it could be argued that here at Stivichall we have a larger potential issue because of the fact that our children have access to technology which is above the average. 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge Class teachers have asked in their classes, and it has also been followed up in assemblies, what technology children have regular access to at home. 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge A question we have raised in school and at previous information sharing evenings….. Which of these two statements would you agree with? 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge At Stivichall we say that Cyber-bullying is a new form of bullying. 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
What used to be referred to as a Digital footprint Is actually a Digital tattoo The case of Paris Brown the Kent youth PCC 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge Whenever we go online we leave a digital footprint which forms our digital tattoo. Everything is stored somewhere You have no control of it once it is online It cannot be deleted Anyone can find out about you Are you happy for anyone to see everything about you? How does this affect your reputation? Who might use the information? Total strangers? Criminals? Employers? Stalkers? Trolls? Paedophiles? The answer is…potentially all of them! Remember My Space! 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge What are the online safety risks and concerns? Grooming, sexual abuse and sexting • Cyberbullying, trolling and cyberstalking • Digital footprint, reputation and identity theft • Illegal and inappropriate behaviour • Pornography and inappropriate content • Too much time spent on the internet • Copyright infringement and illegal downloads 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge Your children believe they know more about the internet than you do. And they probably do! BUT………… Your children have little awareness of: • What can go wrong. • The law. • What the effect of their actions will be in 5,10 or 20 years’ time. As parents you have the advantage of experience. 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
Do you know what private information your child reveals online? • First name – 70% • Age – 67% • Contact details – 61% • Location – 59% • Email address – 44% • Facebook/Twitter/Skype name – 44% • Birthday – 39% • Full name – 20% (Source: MSNBC) 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge Social Media • How many of your children have a Facebook/Ask/Kik/Whatsap/Instagram account? • How many of your children have lied about their age? • Would you know how to change their privacy settings? • Do you know how to report bullying on Facebook as a parent? How many of you have set up an account for your child? • How many of your children have used someone else’s Facebook account – for example an older brother’s or sister’s, or yours? 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
But only if the child is between 13 and 16. It is crucial that children do not lie about their age. • Many social networking platforms – especially Facebook – have built-in child protection features which are only activated for children aged 13-16. If the child claims they are older, these features are switched off. • Harassment and bullying reports go to the top of the queue for 13-16s. • Material is more likely to be deleted by Facebook. • Also, uninitiated contact by an adult will be automatically flagged by Facebook, and all chat, posts and messages will be monitored. Anything of concern will get forwarded by Facebook to law enforcement. But only if the child is between 13 and 16. 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge A few facts…….. Over 80% of teens use a mobile phone regularly, and it is the most popular form of technology for cyberbullying • About half of young people have experienced some form of cyberbullying, and 10% to 20% experience it regularly. • Hurtful and offensive comments and rumours are the most common types of cyberbullying. • Girls are at least as likely as boys to be cyberbullies or their victims. • Boys are more likely to be threatened by cyberbullies than girls. • Cyberbullying affects all races and sexual orientations. • Cyberbullying victims are more likely to consider suicide. (Source: The Cyberbullying Research Centre) 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge What should parents do? Model good behaviour Pay attention Share your values Establish limits Encourage a balanced lifestyle Make children accountable Outline the dangers Research Know how to protect your child Embrace their world Use our school website resources and links 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge Your school website contains everything you need to know. You can find detailed guides on how to filter your media to protect your children. Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge 22/09/2018
Gaming Games have age restrictions on them for a reason. The issue of age appropriateness is as vital here as it is when allowing your child to play games. Games have age restrictions on them for a reason. Would you buy magazines for your child which contain pornography, extreme violence, offensive material and which glorify violence? What attitudes and values do you wish to encourage, nurture and grow in our children? 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
Children in our school have told us they have played these. Which of these games are in your house? Do you monitor what younger family members access? Call of Duty Mortal Kombat Medal of Honour Dead Space 2 Fall out Castlevania Assassins Creed Children in our school have told us they have played these. 19 children in Year 3 said they had played Call of Duty after it was bought for Christmas Halo Grand theft Auto Naughty Bear Mafia Kane and Lynch Dead Rising An example of what Kane and Lynch contains This game stars two of the most wantonly immoral—and, not surprisingly, unlikeable—video game characters of all time. Lynch is a self-medicating psychopath, Kane is a hardened criminal, and the two make an exceptionally self-interested law-breaking team. Players will see and commit sensationalized acts of violence against not just legitimate criminal antagonists but also civilians and police officers. Lifelike graphics only serve to enhance the intensity of the bloodshed. 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge Reporting in the media…. Call Of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, Dogs Of War and other similar games are all inappropriate for children and they should not have access to them. If your child is allowed to have inappropriate access to any game or associated product that is designated 18-plus we are advised to contact the police and children's social care as it is neglectful. - Nantwich Education Partnership News headline: Schools and teachers to report parents to police and social services if they let their children play Grand Theft Auto or Call of Duty. 'Nor should they have Facebook accounts or interact on sites or media or messaging sites like WhatsApp that are not designed for their age.' Teachers warned parents about the dangers of buying game for children Staff say children were acting out scenes in the playground after Christmas Game lets players to 'get high' on drugs and kill people with machine guns It carries an 18 certificate and was banned in Thailand eight years ago. Filey C of E Primary School R 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge Teachers at Stivichall have had to: Deal with incidents arising from playing out violent scenes from Call of Duty Had parents come to speak to them raising concerns that their children have expressed about others pressurising them to join in with acting out games. Had to support lunchtime supervisors in dealing with incidents arising out of arguments which originated over playing video games online at home. Supported an upset and concerned parent whose child was being bullied online Have intervention lessons to deal with fall out from online gaming We conducted surveys about which games were being played and were horrified by the results. 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge Further Safeguarding issues for discussion and to raise awareness This link is available on our school website and takes you to this site 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
What is Stivichall Primary School doing? 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
A detailed school Policy We have reached the Gold Standard using the 360 Degree Safe evaluation tool. Acceptable Usage policy signed by pupils , parents and teachers A detailed school Policy A detailed and comprehensive filtering system which is constantly monitored by school leaders Regular staff training and updates Active participation in Safer Internet Day School governor involvement We have a clear system for the reporting of incidents and concerns for children and staff A curriculum which teaches Online Safety A detailed website page containing links, advice and activities Parents information updates and an open door policy Posters and Displays in every classroom and around the school 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge Safer Internet Day 2017 It is important that we do not see this day as a one off and congratulate ourselves on a job well done. Online Safety is a whole school, all year round issue where children, parents and all school staff work together and constantly review, monitor and are proactive in our actions. But we strongly advise every parent to visit the website of this event. 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge
As a result of this presentation what are you going to do at home? How can school help? And…….Please visit the Safer Internet Day 2017 website. Email via website Informal chat Practical help 22/09/2018 Stivichall Primary School Online Safety. December 2016. M Bainbridge