TTIP Regulatory Cooperation and Civil Society Concerns Andreas Biesantz 2nd July 2015
Profile of ELIANT European Alliance of Initiatives for Applied Anthroposophy advocating: freedom of choice, availability of choices for European citizens represents various initiatives of Rudolf Steiner’s applied anthroposophy Demeter International and IVAA are members of ELIANT
Regulatory Cooperation: Concerns of Civil Society Civil society concerns that the ‘right to regulate’ will be constrained Concerns EU and Member States could be not able to set stricter regulations in the future transparency and democracy regulation could be driven from trade benefits rather than public interest Suggestion Civil society stakeholders should be involved if a transparent ISDS court was established
Challenges for the agricultural sector Concerns harmonization of standards might result in lowering EU standards concerning food safety and animal welfare non- tariff barriers (standards) might be minimized for the benefit of big corporations the precautionary approach practiced in the EU must be maintained Trade agreements should help – rather than hinder – fair and sustainable development in EU agriculture
Challenges for the CAM sector In the EU, more than 100 million consumers use homeopathic and anthroposophic medicinal products Concerns: Future regulatory changes should guarantee that they will not have any negative impact on CAM medicinal products CAM is a system approach (not only evidence based on a single substance) Availability of CAM medicinal products in the EU should be safeguarded
E-mail: Thank you! Andreas Biesantz ALLIANCE ELIANT EU Liaison Office Rue du Trône 194 B-1050 Brussels Belgium Phone: +32-(0)2 - 646 21 17 Fax: +32-(0)2 - 647 70 47 E-mail: