Kingdom: Plantae
Plants Chapter 21-24 Plant Basics Almost all plants have chloroplasts which contain chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a chemical that gives plants their green color and traps light energy. Plants trap light energy for photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process in which plants use water, carbon dioxide, and energy from the sun to make food.
How plants are Grouped Vascular- plants that have tube like cells in their roots, stems, and leaves to carry food and water. Example: ferns, trees, seed plants, flowers Nonvascular- plants that do not have tube like cells in their stems and leaves. Instead use osmosis to take up water and minerals. Example: moss, liverworts
Nonvascular Plants
What is a plant? Eukaryotic Multicellular Autotroph Cell wall composed of cellulose
Movement & Support Cell wall with cellulose Roots, stems, rhizoids Nastic movement Sclerenchyma & collenchyma
Digestion/Obtaining Nutrients Autotroph Chloroplast/chlorophyll Leaves Roots Ingesting other organisms
Nervous/Response Nucleus Trichomes to secrete toxins Leaf modifications Hormones – growth, ripening Photoperiodism
Circulation Root Stem Vascular tissue (in vascular plants..duh) Xylem- carries water and minerals Phloem- carries food Osmosis and diffusion
Gas Exchange Stomata in stems and leaves Guard cells Osmosis
Excretion Stomata and guard cells
Reproduction Asexual and sexual Sexual – flower, cone; pollen grains, ovules, fruits with seeds Asexual – spores, roots, bulbs, cuttings (leaves), stems
Seed dispersal
Helpful Plants Produce oxygen Lumber Used to make paper Erosion prevention
Medicine – marijuana, digitalis (heart medication), opium
Harmful Plants Poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac
Stinging nettles Nightshade – poison Weeds Allergies caused by pollen Invasive species – plants that move into an area and crowd out the original species of plants