Who Are You? BY Drew Perry ELA TERM 1 9/13/12
Background I was born on April 1996 I grew up in a small town called wilmington when Im with my mother When I would be with my father I would be in the city of lowlle I would have liked to grow up someware that is always warm
Drew’s Rules Rule 1: Never quit never back down from a challenge Rule2: family is first Rule 3: Nothing is easy in life , work hard , play hard.
Likes Sports: Wrestling, Mixed Martial arts, MILSIM/Airsoft. Hobbies: gym, splitting wood , running, driving, working on my truck. Favorite car: Ford Ranger Favorite motorcycle: Honda Interceptor
Dislikes Food : anything I can’t spell Sport: baseball Car: anything that gets over 25 mpg Music: pop
Family Dad: retired police officer , Class A truck driver Mom: career nurse 26 years and counting Brother: varsity football player at Springfield College
Wrestling Fact: wrestling is my favorite sport Fact: its more than a sport it’s a way of life Fact: Once you wrestle, everything else is easy
Mixed Martial Arts Mixed martial arts is a combination of a large number of combat sports like boxing , and wrestling. I have a MMA background in kickboxing , wrestling, and BJJ. Never said it was easy
4 Wheelers I also enjoy fast four-wheelers in the mud I used to have a Honda TRX250x race ATV If you aren’t dirty you are not having fun
Sources All pictures came from Google images. Some of the terms I searched were Ford ranger Wrestling Mixed martial arts Ect. Hyperlink to a minuteman tech wrestling match http://youtu.be/W8ZDitNIfbU