Program Executive Officer (PEO) Review and Outlook (R&O) Brig Gen Eric Fick PEO Fighter/Bomber 26 March 2015 “PA Approved Message Release for Briefing”
Fighter/Bomber Portfolio VISION: Warfighter’s choice for life cycle management of war-winning Fighters/Bombers capabilities delivered early and under budget A-10 MISSION: Develop, produce, modernize, and support US and coalition partner fighter and bomber aircraft weapon systems and subsystems F-15 154 Programs 65 Acquisition Master List (ACAT I, II, III) 89 FMS 2 MDAP, 2 Pre-MDAP (ACAT I) 6 Geographic Locations: Hill AFB Tinker AFB Robins AFB Wright-Patterson AFB Ft Worth, TX Whiteman AFB 2961 Authorized Personnel 315 Military (10.6%) 2169 Civilian (73.3%) 477 A&AS (16.1%) $61.8B in Active Year Dollars $ 9.0B USAF $52.8B FMS $24.6B in Services Contracts (174 contracts) F-16 F-22 LAS
Fighter/Bomber Portfolio Average Age Fighter/Bomber Aircraft = 23.4 yrs. Portfolio funding distribution Active Year Dollars Sustainment $ 3.3B Production $ 2.8B R&D $ 2.9B
Organizational Leadership Fighters/Bombers Directorate & PEO Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC/WW) Brig Gen Eric Fick, Director/PEO (WPAFB) VACANT, Deputy PEO/Deputy Director Col James Gray, Senior IMA Directorate Senior Functionals (WPAFB) Mr. Jim Yankel, Director of Engineering Mr. Gregory Leingang, Chief of Finance Mr. Dennis Lovejoy, Chief of Contracting AFLCMC/WWE AFLCMC/WWF AFLCMC/WWK Mr. Lansen Conley, Act Chief of Logistics Ms. Deborah Webb, Chief of Mgt Ops Mr. Mark Myers, Chief of Security AFLCMC/WWL AFLCMC/WWO AFLCMC/WWOS F-15 Division (AFLCMC/WWQ) VACANT, SPM & Chief (RAFB) Mr. Bob Zwitch, Deputy Chief (RAFB) Mr. Eric Wietstruk, PSM (RAFB) SPM, Robins, GA, WPAFB and SAUDI GSUs B-1 Division (AFLCMC/WWN) Col Michael Senseney, SPM & Chief (TAFB) Mr. Albert Griggs, Deputy Chief (TAFB) Mr. Albert Griggs, PSM (TAFB) SPM Tinker, OK , No GSU F-16 Division (AFLCMC/WWM) Col Chris Baird, SPM & Chief (HAFB) VACANT, Deputy Chief (HAFB) VACANT, PSM (HAFB) SPM Hill, UT WPAFB GSU F-35 Division (AFLCMC/WWJ) Lt Col Matt Herder, Chief (WPAFB) Mr. Michael Karraker, Deputy Chief (WPAFB) Mr. Pat Murray, Chief of Log (WPAFB) A-10 Division (AFLCMC/WWA) Col James Flattery, SPM & Chief (HAFB) Mr. Dan Ipson, Deputy Chief (HAFB) Ms. Susan Manzanares, PSM (HAFB) SPM Hill, UT, No GSU Special Programs Division (AFLCMC/WWG) Col George Griffiths, SPM & Chief (WPAFB) Ms. Janet Miller, Deputy Chief (WPAFB) Lt Col Fredrick Hunt, PSM (WPAFB) SPM WPAFB, Tinker, OK B-2 Division (AFLCMC/WWZ) Col Robert Strasser, SPM & Chief (WPAFB) Mr. Joe Arata, Deputy Chief (WPAFB) Mr. Kevin Muir, PSM (WPAFB) SPM WPAFB, Tinker, OK GSU F-22 Division (AFLCMC/WWU) Col Anthony Genatempo, SPM & Chief (WPAFB) Mr. Ed Stanhouse, Deputy Chief (WPAFB) Mr. Lansen Conley, PSM (WPAFB) SPM WPAFB, Hill, UT, Langley, VA, Ft Worth, TX GSUs Development and Integration Division (AFLCMC/WWB) Col Anthony Thomas, Chief (WPAFB) Mr. John Carr, Deputy Chief (WPAFB) WPAFB F-15 Saudi FMS (AFLCMC/WWQ) Col Howard Davis, SAPM (RAFB) Lt Col James Becker, Deputy SAPM (WPAFB) Lt Col Sean Rivera, Deputy SAPM (RAFB) Mr. Stephen Niemantsverdriet, Deputy SAPM (RAFB) Directorate Support Staff (WPAFB) Maj Eric Suits, Executive Officer Ms. Cindy Castillo, Executive Assistant Mr. Mike Koester, Management Analyst Lt Col Lori Foringer, Chief, PEG/DAG, AFLCMC/WWX B-52 Division (AFLCMC/WWV) Col Timothy Dickinson, SPM & Chief (TAFB) Mr. Edward Rua, Deputy Chief (TAFB) Mr. Edward Rua, PSM (TAFB) SPM Tinker, OK, No GSU
What keeps me awake at night? PEO Priorities Delivery Integrity Relationships Teamwork What keeps me awake at night? What is Going to Break Next? How will we fix it? Platform/Portfolio Relevance in 2040 Defensive Systems Comm Suites Flexibility…Speed to the Fight Universal Armament Interface (UAI) Open Mission Systems (OMS) Contracting Timelines
Acquisition Forecast/Opportunities Program Competitive Opportunities Anticipated Value Period of Performance F-15 PDM at Okinawa $400M FY17-21 F-16 Modular Mission Computer/Programmable Display Generator $342M RDT&E FY16-20 Production FY21-25 F-22 Integrated Maintenance Information Systems (IMIS) System Administration Support $29M FY14-19 UAI Universal Armament Interface (UAI) $35M FY15-20 B-52 1760 IWBU INC. 1.1 Production $26M FY15-17 Software Block Effort 07 $65M FY16-20 B-1 Independent Verification & Validation (software) $7M FY14-15 Software Engineering Support $5M FY15-18 Customer Supplier Data Transmittal (CSDT) $1M FY13-15 B-2 Enterprise Support Delivery Order $135M FY17-19
Summary Increased emphasis on sustainment programs Emphasizing well thought-out thorough, integrated sustainment strategies Relevance Timeliness Integrated Sustainment Strategies Required to Affordably Sustain Aging Fighter/Bomber Fleet