CDC Structure S. Uno KEK 2009.3.18.


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Presentation transcript:

CDC Structure S. Uno KEK 2009.3.18

Endplate Design sBelle 350mm 300mm 250mm MAPS = Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor 350mm 300mm 250mm 2

Wire stringing Vertical stringing with outer cylinder. Human can stand inside the chamber and can touch the wire. Inner diameter without the small cell part : ~500mm N. Taniguchi confirmed it with a hand-made mockup. Stringing with tension can be done from outer layer. Two-way method ( Belle-CDC ) is not necessary.

Barrel PID


CDC structure Shoji Uno (KEK)    Dec-3rd, 2008

Baseline Design sBelle Belle MAPS = Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor 7

Main parameters Present Future 77 160 880 1140 88 172 863 1120 50 58 Radius of inner boundary (mm) 77 160 Radius of outer boundary (mm) 880 1140 Radius of inner most sense wire (mm) 88 172 Radius of outer most sense wire (mm) 863 1120 Number of layers 50 58 Number of total sense wires 8400 15104 Effective radius of dE/dx measurement (mm) 752 978 Gas He-C2H6 Diameter of sense wire (mm) 30

Wire Configuration Present CDC 250 mm 1200 mm New CDC 250 mm

Small Cell Drift Chamber

Photo of small cell chamber Just after wire stringing Installation in 2003 summer

Curved Endplate Deformation of endplate due to wire tension was calculated at design stage of present Belle CDC (Total tension: 3.5 Ton). Deformation(mm) 35.2 2.03 1.31 Present New

Weight Endplate Outer Cylinder Electronics Board Al, Thickness : 10mm (12mm) 110kgx2 = 220kg (264kg) Outer Cylinder CRRP, Thickness : 5mm 210kg Electronics Board G10, 48ch/board 0.3kgx315 = 95kg

Present support

Calculation of deformation and etc Deformation of Aluminum endplate Thickness of endplate  10mm  12mm Deformation 1/t3 1  0.58 Tension of field wire  120g  80g Gravitational sag, Sense : 120mm(80g), Field:300mm(80g) Total tension 4.8ton       Stress calculation Thickness of outer cylinder CFRP:mm  Transition structure between endplate and outer cylinder Support structure Structure for wiring jig Simpler one as compared with Belle-CDC Etc.

Wire stringing Now, I am thinking a vertical stringing, not horizontal. Once, I thought the horizontal stringing Vertical stringing with outer cylinder. Human can stand inside the chamber and can touch the wire. Inner diameter without the small cell part : ~500mm Inner diameter of present transition cylinder : 580mm Stringing with tension can be done from outer layer. Two-way method ( Belle-CDC ) is not necessary.

Installation Removing and installation can be done using similar small bar in horizontal direction. Cathode installation in vertical direction CDC installation in horizontal direction

My Personal Plan for Construction