Generating Electrical Energy Energy isn’t created or destroyed, so how can we “get” electricity?
Generators turns mechanical energy into electrical energy
Cells – change chemical or radiant energy into electrical energy
Parts of a Cell Electrolyte and Electrodes
Electrolyte mixture of chemicals that allow electrons to flow
Electrode pair of conductors through which electrons enter and exit
What makes it work? Chemical changes between the electrolyte and the electrodes convert chemical energy into electrical energy
Two kinds of cells: Wet Cells Dry Cells
Wet Cells – have liquid electrolytes Example: car battery
Leaking Battery Acid
Dry Cells – have solid or paste-like electrolytes Example: camera batteries
Thermocouple A device that converts thermal energy into electrical energy
Thermocouple The greater the temperature difference, the greater the current Not much energy, but help monitor temp. of engines and furnaces
Photocells A device that converts light energy into electrical energy
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