Homework #3 is due 11/19 Bonus #2 is posted
The Cell Cycle Fig 2.9
Mitosis: A DNA Perspective
Mitosis plays a role in: Growth and Development Repair and Turnover of Cells Reproduction Asexual
start of mitosis Fig 2.10
A basic look at mitosis The Mitotic Spindle (micro- tubules) Sister Chromatids
Mitosis is tightly regulated: checkpoints
Cell division is regulated by both positive and negative signals Cell division is regulated by both positive and negative signals. Positive signals start the process of cell division. Negative signals inhibit cell division.
2 proteins, Cyclin and Cdk, control entry into mitosis
2 proteins, Cyclin and Cdk, control entry into mitosis.
Balance between Longevity and Health Fig. 3 TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution Vol 21 pg 47
Cancer: Cell Division Gone Wrong
Normal Mammalian Cells Have Contact Inhibition
Cancer Cells Do Not Have Contact Inhibition
Tumors in a Liver normal tumors
Cancer: is the loss of control over cell division. Tumors are normal cells that are dividing inappropriately. They stop performing their “normal” function, and are dividing repeatedly.
A cell becomes cancerous when there are incorrect positive AND negative signals.
GO! STOP! cancer similar to Fig 15.36
Multiple mutations are required for cancer to occur
Normal Cells Cancer Cells
Benign versus Malignant cancer
How do these mutations arrise?