Uppingham Community College Computer Misuse Act
Teacher Lead Activity Computer Misuse Act 1990 What have we found out Teacher Lead Activity Computer Misuse Act 1990 The students will have completed some homework which requires them to find out more about the computer misuse act 1990. Lets find out what they’ve learnt before watching the video. You can snow ball (paper fight) / Write on desks / post its – something which really gets the students engaged. I have a number of board games if you’re interested.
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What have we found out YOUTUBE VIDEO CLIP In groups discuss Are ‘Anonymous’ right to be exposing members of ISIS around the world?
Computer Misuse Act Specifically designed to control hackers and the illegal access to files. Hackers used to be seen as the cheeky child who would annoy you. People soon began to realise that they pose a serious threat to security. The act does 3 things: It is illegal to access files that you have no right to access. It is illegal to access files for use for more serious crimes such as fraud and blackmail. It is illegal to change any data that does not belong to you. Includes planting viruses and deleting files.
WHY DO WE HAVE LAWS LIKE THE COMPUTER MISUSE ACT? Examples 1) A student hacks into SIMS to impress his friends….. Is this a crime…. 3) Later he decides he’s going to log back onto the system and alter his grades…. He doesn’t manage to find his grades…… Is this a crime? WHY DO WE HAVE LAWS LIKE THE COMPUTER MISUSE ACT? 2) A week later he succeeds and finds his report card… he alters his grade….. This is a crime Unauthorised modification of data Unauthorised access Unauthorised modification of data Unauthorised access with intent
Can you find any other laws and legislation? Computer misuse act – Homework Data protection act Freedom of information act Copyright, Designs and Patents act Electronic Communications Act Use a search engine to find some information. You must reference what you have found by including the website address. Your teacher will show you how to use a search engine efficiently Teach students about how they can use the advanced search or speech marks to improve their search results.
New Success Criteria Use a search engine effectively Reference the website address Interpret results into your own worlds Show that you have saved your research in a folder with a realistic name. Present the information in a format which is easier for your audience. Use this success criteria to make changes to your poster and make sure that you have the correct target audience The criteria for this piece of work is checking that they can reference information they find on the internet.
Plenary Teacher Lead Activity