COMPUTER PRIVACY Everyone takes privacy in normal life for granted, computer also have privacy. When dealing with computers, security and privacy are almost synonyms. Protect computer from been hack.
THE WAYS OF COMPUTER PRIVACY Password Encryption Email Privacy
THE WAYS OF COMPUTER PRIVACY PASSWORD Not just to protect the computer but to make sure that the computer issues by authorized worker or user only.
THE WAYS OF COMPUTER PRIVACY ENCRYPTION With public key encryption there are two keys, one public and the other private. The public key needs to be known. To send a message to a friend, you uses his public key to encrypt the message. Your friend then uses his private key to decode the message after receiving it.
THE WAYS OF COMPUTER PRIVACY EMAIL PRIVACY When u send a message by email, the message is broken into packets and the packets are sent out over the Internet. The number of packets depends on the size of message. Each message has the internet address of the recipient. This means there may be some places between the packets could be intercepted and examined.
What is electronic authentication? TASK Form group of five. Discuss the topic that was given in 15 minutes. Choose a group leader and presenter to present at the end of the discussion.