Detecting Rhymes: Teacher Demonstration Page Clock, nail, sock, snail
Detecting Rhymes: Student Testing Form Tree, moon, house, cat, car, mouse, star, hat, bee, spoon
Counting Syllables: Teacher Demonstration Page Window, alligator
Counting Syllables: Student Testing Form Pencil, elephant, motorcycle, bow, helicopter
Matching Initial Sounds: Teacher Demonstration Page Seal, sun, king, kite
Matching Initial Sounds: Student Testing Form Lamp, pig, fork, balloon, heart, bird, feather, hand, leaf, pencil
Counting Phonemes: Teacher Demonstration Page
Counting Phonemes: Student Testing Form Toe, ant, broom, soap, paste
Comparing Word Length: Teacher Demonstration Page Bow, boat, snail, nail
Comparing Word Length: Student Testing Form Card, car bed, bread bus, brush crown, cow eye, fly
Phonemes and Letters: Teacher Demonstration Page bat
Phonemes and Letters: Student Testing Form Sun, mop, pot, frog, nest