Key vocabulary (That means important words!) Water in the world Key vocabulary (That means important words!)
environment Definition: What do you think of when you see this word? Where do we hear it? Definition: Write a sentence that uses the word ‘environment’
Geography What do you think this means? Where have you heard it before? Definition: Write this word in a sentence Draw a symbol or picture related to the word ‘geography’
resource What do you think this means? Where have you heard it before? Definition: Write this word in a sentence
climate What does this word make you think of? What other words do you connect with this word? Definition: . Draw three or four symbols that might remind you what climate means Write a sentence that describes the climate in Antarctica.
Drought When do you hear this word? What is it used to describe? Definition: Can you think of a word that rhymes with ‘drought’? Write a sentence that uses the word drought
Flood What picture comes to mind when you hear this word? What do you think it means? Definition: Make a list of four words that rhyme with ‘FLOOD’ Write a sentence using the word ‘flood’
hazard Definition: We will be thinking about water hazards Have you heard this word before? What do you think it might mean? Definition: We will be thinking about water hazards Can you think of any events that could be called Water hazards?
Hydro- This is a prefix relating to ‘water’ Origins - greek Eg. Hydroelectric Hydrotherapy Hydrogen