What does the word ‘diet’ mean? Write down your ideas (2 mins)
Lesson 4 Staying Healthy Objectives: To describe the importance of having a well-balanced diet To explain that obesity may lead to a number of health problems
Body Mass Index (BMI) Body Mass Index = Body Mass (Kg) (Body Height)2 (m2) Can you think of any situations where the BMI is not the best way to determine obesity? http://www.blinkx.com/video/the-bmi-scale/cYxU9HhagD1tSSHk7uuAwA
Size 0 – BMI<18
Task Worksheet B3.1 4a looks at aspects of weight control in more detail.
Exam Question Describe the stages in the commercial production of soy sauce. (4 marks) Any four in correct sequence from: 1. cook soya bean; 2. mix with (ground) roasted wheat; 3. ferment with Aspergillus ; 4. brine is added; 5. yeast and/or Lactobacillus added; 6. second fermentation/refermentation; 7. filtered; 8. pasteurisation; 9. use sterile bottle; [Ignore sterilising] Max 3 marks if any points in wrong sequence.