General Info: What is it? -very contagious virus How is it spread? -coughing, sneezing, (saliva) Symptoms: -fever, headache + rash
Smallpox in BC -brought to BC coast infected sailors -First Nations had NO IMMUNITY -spread throughout BC via fur trade Stats: (over a 100 year timeframe) -some nations suffered 90-95% death rates -estimated that nearly ½ million FNs died British Newspaper Article: Forty out of Sixty Haida’s who left Victoria for the North about a month ago, had died. The sick and dead with their canoes, blankets, guns, etc. were left along the coast. In one encampment, about 12 miles from Nanaimo, Capt. Osgood counted twelve dead Indians—the bodies festering in the noonday sun
Consequences Most obvious: -decreased population = loss of control increased dependence on Europeans Political / Social loss: -some nations saw entire loss of hereditary chief’s family -traditional governance systems collapsed -social organization broke down Economic Loss: -hunting, gathering + trading essentially stopped -seasonal rounds no longer followed Cultural Loss: -Elders first to die loss of knowledge, stories, history (teachers) -songs, dance, art diminished ***traditional way of life was no longer feasible because of massive amounts of death***
Biological Warfare??? “We gave them two Blankets and an Handkerchief out of the Small Pox Hospital. I hope it will have the desired effect” William Trent, 1763 Smallpox debate: show clip after class debate Click picture: Smallpox youtube clip (play to 4:39)