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Presentation transcript:

Background and Motivation Research Poster on Gas Turbine Engines Components Under Normal and Critical Conditions David Philip Candidate1 ,Pete D. R. Annesley2, August P. R. Ofessor1 1 Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK 2 Collaborators UK Ltd, Research and Development, Camberwick, UK Background and Motivation Content Boxes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum pretium quam a quam molestie condimentum. Phasellus in erat sit amet lacus pharetra venenatis. Nam sed dui quis lorem finibus suscipit. Morbi ornare massa mauris. Morbi pretium gravida odio et imperdiet. Sed suscipit lobortis nulla vel accumsan. Mauris eu ornare mi, eget euismod felis. Sed ipsum ante, sagittis mollis tellus a, imperdiet auctor quam. Donec tempor ligula est, vel molestie neque tristique eu. Praesent sed posuere elit. Poster Background Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum pretium quam a quam molestie condimentum. Phasellus in erat sit amet lacus pharetra venenatis. Nam sed dui quis lorem finibus suscipit. Duis maximus lacus sed metus tincidunt rutrum. Quisque erat justo, euismod quis sollicitudin id, pretium in lorem. Praesent a lacus at est rhoncus elementum. Poster Background II Vivamus lacus eros, blandit et mauris ut, eleifend elementum augue. Aenean viverra varius enim, sit amet fermentum lacus pulvinar aliquet. Ut risus sem, tristique quis convallis eu, ornare in mi. Aenean ultrices leo ac fermentum molestie. Nunc et erat a metus interdum dictum. Figure 1: Caption Figure 2: Caption Methods Results Box Headings Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum pretium quam a quam molestie condimentum. Phasellus in erat sit amet lacus pharetra venenatis. Nam sed dui quis lorem finibus suscipit. Duis maximus lacus sed metus tincidunt rutrum. Quisque erat justo, euismod quis sollicitudin id, pretium in lorem. Praesent a lacus at est rhoncus elementum. Once complete Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum pretium quam a quam molestie condimentum. Phasellus in erat sit amet lacus pharetra venenatis. Sed a libero ut massa ullamcorper pulvinar. Donec dapibus euismod neque, ut mollis libero feugiat sit amet. Vestibulum risus nisi, interdum eu enim vel, pulvinar mattis dui. Finally Aenean aliquet aliquet ex, a lacinia ligula iaculis ut. Proin lacinia libero ut egestas condimentum. Aliquam ut convallis sapien. Integer tristique tristique interdum. Figure 3: Some atoms Prep for Print: Make sure all options are on that embed the fonts within the file. “Print” to a PDF creator program – please tell us which works well with Powerpoint, or … “Save to PDF” may give good enough output – check plots from Matlab etc. Look at the result in your PDF viewer at 200% zoom to check that images and plots have come out properly. 4 μm Line Plots and Charts from non-MSOffice packages: Vector graphs from Matlab etc don’t transfer to PowerPoint well One solution is to get the output into a high resolution raster graphics file then import/paste that in. PNG can be a useful format because it allows transparency as well as compression (of the mostly white space) Figure 4: More atoms Figure 4: Methods Conclusions Summary Morbi ornare massa mauris. Morbi pretium gravida odio et imperdiet. Sed suscipit lobortis nulla vel accumsan. Mauris eu ornare mi, eget euismod felis. Sed ipsum ante, sagittis mollis tellus a, imperdiet auctor quam. Donec tempor ligula est, vel molestie neque tristique eu. References: University of Oxford Poster printing Service. Contact: 01865 273XXX 𝛼= 6 sin 𝜙 3 3− sin 𝜙 𝜙= sin −1 𝑓 𝑐 − 𝑓 𝑡 𝑓 𝑐 + 𝑓 𝑡 Figure 4: Caption