Raised Lazarus from the dead Daniel and the lion’s den Brother of Jared Jesus walks on water Raised Lazarus from the dead
Water out of a rock Moses parts the Red Sea Stripling Warriors Manna From Heaven
David Slays Goliath Jericho Jesus heals the sick Shadrach Meshach Abednego
Jesus fills nets with fish calms the sea Jesus feeds 5000 Jesus Heals Lepers Jesus fills nets with fish
Money in fish Miracle of Elijah (flour & oil) Water into wine Jonah and the whale
Matt 14:29 John 12: 1 & 9 Daniel 6:16 Helaman 8: 11
Psalm 78: 24 Matt. 15: 30 Num. 20: 8, 10-11 Ether 6: 2
Daniel 3: 23-23, 36 Alma 57:25 Joshua 6:20 1 Samuel 17:49
Matt. 8: 24- 26 Matt.14: 17-21 Luke 5: 1–11 Mark 1: 40–42
1 Kings 17:8-16 John 2: 6-11 Jonah 1:17 Matt. 17: 24-27