Community Profiles Rural Math Excel Partnership This presentation is a sample of the community profiles prepared on behalf of the Rural Math Excel Partnership. It contains the data of one sample community, Page County, but it also explains how to interpret the tables and charts in all community profiles. Community Profiles were prepared for the eight communities participating in the program. These communities are: the Counties of Accomack, Charlotte, Cumberland, Halifax, Henry, Page, and Prince Edward, and the City of Martinsville. Rural Math Excel Partnership The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
Table of Contents Community Profiles Population & Labor Force Educational Attainment Employment and Wages by Industry Employment and Wages by Major Occupation Group STEM-H Technician Information Employment Wages Top Industries for Employment Education Levels Each community profile contains the following topics: - Population & Labor Force statistics - Information about local Educational Attainment levels - Current and Future Employment statistics and average wages by Industry sector and by Major Occupation Group - Detailed information on selected STEM-H Technician Occupations including Employment Wages And the Top Industries for Employment of these technicians - The last one is job growth projections by Education Levels Each of these topics is presented using tables and graphs. The Data is taken from Chmura Economics’ JobsEQ database and is recent as of November 2017.
Population & Labor Force Demographics Page County Virginia Population 23,654 8,411,808 Population Annual Average Growth (2006-2016) -0.2% 0.9% Median Age 43.0 37.5 Economic3 Labor Force (population 16 years and over) 11,447 4,266,800 Labor Force Participation Rate 58.2% 64.7% Median Household Income $43,895 $65,015 Per Capita Income $22,241 $34,152 Poverty Level (of all people) 16.4% (or 3,880) 11.5% (or 921,822) Households Receiving Food Stamps 13.2% (or 1,235) 9.7% (or 295,767) Students Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch Program 52% (or 1,782) 41.9% (or 537,038) Mean Commute Time (minutes) 32.8 27.9 Page County 2016 population: 23,654 Population declined annually by 0.2% Labor Force: 11,447 with a participation rate of 58.2% 52% of students eligible for free and reduced lunch program compared to 42% statewide The population and labor force table contains information about the community and the Commonwealth of Virginia. For example, the first row includes the topic, which is demographics, and the name of the areas included. In this case, Page County and the State of Virginia. The second row shows that the 2016 population for Page County was 23,654 compared to the statewide population of about 8.4 million. The next row demonstrates that Page County’s population has declined by 0.2% annually since 2006 compared to a 0.9% growth statewide. The second to last row lists Page County’s rate of students eligible for the free and reduced lunch program, which is 52% of students compared to 42% statewide. Source: JobsEQ, 11/2017
Educational Attainment Page County No high school diploma: 18.0% (9.5% statewide) Associate’s Degree: 5.7% (7.9% statewide) 1.6% of 16-19 year olds are not in school, not high school graduates, or are unemployed/not in the labor force Educational Attainment of Population Ages 25-64 Page County Virginia Percent Number No High School Diploma 18.0% 2,253 9.5% 425,011 High School Graduate 44.6% 5,585 23.8% 1,060,810 Some College, No Degree 18.5% 2,317 20.5% 913,912 Associate's Degree 5.7% 716 7.9% 350,791 Bachelor's Degree 8.9% 1,114 22.6% 1,007,981 Postgraduate Degree 4.3% 544 15.8% 706,207 Social Disconnected Youth 1.6% 20 2.1% 9,091 Source: JobsEQ, 11/2017 This table provides information on the educational attainment levels of a community’s population between the ages of 25-64. The table lists the specific degree or attainment level in the first column and the following columns show the community’s percent of the population as well as the number of people with that degree. For example, 18.0% (or 2,253 individuals) of the Page County population ages 25-64 have no high school diploma compared to 9.5% statewide Further down, the percentage of the population with an Associate’s Degree in Page county is 5.7% compared to 7.9% statewide. The last row contains the percentage of local 16-19 year olds who are considered “Disconnected Youth”; which are youths who are not in school, are not high school graduates, or are unemployed/not in the labor force. Page County’s rate is 1.6% or 20 individuals compared to 2.1% statewide.
Employment by Industry (%) Page County Largest employment sector Manufacturing (13.1%) Next-largest sectors Healthcare and Social Assistance (12.2%) Retail Trade (11.9%) Employment by Industry This graph contains the percentage of total employment in Page County by each of the 21 industry sectors. Starting from the top middle, the graph shows that the Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting sector employs 4.8% of individuals in Page County. Going clockwise, the next industry sector listed is the Mining, Quarrying, Oil & Gas Extraction sector, which employs no one in the County (so the percentage is 0.0%). The largest employment sector – which is the largest piece of the pie chart - is the Manufacturing sector with 13.1% of total employment. The next-largest sectors are Healthcare and Social Assistance with 12.2% and Retail Trade with 11.9% of total employment. Source: JobsEQ, 11/2017
Current and Future Employment by Industry Page County Total employment: 6,462 Future Demand: at least 6,902 jobs Health Care and Social Assistance Second largest sector (790 workers) Fastest growing sector 3rd largest Future Demand (969 jobs) This bar chart demonstrates the current employment and projected future demand of jobs over the next 10 years by industry sector in Page County. In this and all future charts, the Future Demand is the sum of a community’s Growth Demand and its Separation Demand. You can think of this as the number of new jobs required because of an industry’s growth and the minimum number of jobs required because of retirements and turnover. Retirements and turnover make up most of the Future Demand. Current employment in Page County is 6,462 and the projected future demand of jobs over the next 10 years is at least 6,902. The graph lists all industries on the left side, with one bar for each. The current employment is displayed first as the blue portion of the bar. The Future Demand of a specific industry sector is shown as the second portion of the bar in grey. For example, the second bar for the Public Administration sector shows current employment as 371 and Future Demand over the next 10 years as 308 jobs. The Health Care and Social Assistance sector, the sixth bar from the top, is the second largest sector with 790 workers. It is the fastest growing sector in Page County and has the third largest Future Demand (grey bar) with 969 jobs. Source: JobsEQ, 11/2017
Wages by Industry Page County Average Annual Wage: $31,926 compared to VA average: $54,276 Highest average wages Management of Companies sector ($60,581) Next highest average wages by sector Transportation and Warehousing ($53,982) Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting ($50,713) This bar chart displays the average annual wage by industry sector in Page County from lowest to highest average. The first bar has no average wage (n/a) for the Mining, Quarrying, Oil & Gas Extraction sector because no one is employed The next bar shows that the average annual wage of individuals employed in the “Unclassified sector” in Page County is $12,578 The average annual wage for all Industries (which is listed in the 9th position from the top on the left hand side) in Page County is $31,926, compared to the Virginia average of $54,276 The highest average wages are in the Management of Companies sector (an average of $60,581), which has the longest bar at the bottom of the chart The next highest average wages by sector are in Transportation and Warehousing with $53,982 and Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting with an average of $50,713. Source: JobsEQ® 11/2017
Current and Future Employment by Occupation Group Largest major occupation groups Office & Administrative Support Occupations Sales & Related Occupations Production Occupations Fastest growing occupation groups Healthcare Support Occupations: 1.5% annual growth Healthcare Practitioners/Technical Occupations: 0.6% annual growth Future Demand both sectors: 375 jobs Similar to the industry chart earlier, this bar chart contains the current employment and projected future demand of jobs over the next 10 years but listed by the 22 Major Occupation Groups. The graph displays the major occupation groups on the left side, with one bar for each group. The current employment is shown first as the blue portion of the bar. The Future Demand for an occupation group is listed as the second portion of the bar in grey. For example, the first bar for the Transportation & Material Moving Occupations shows current employment as 377 and Future Demand over the next 10 years as at least 401 jobs. The largest occupation group, with the longest blue bar is the Office and Administrative Support Occupations (with 815 workers) The next-largest occupation groups are Sales and Related Occupations with 614 workers and Production Occupations with 578 workers The fastest growing occupation groups are Healthcare Support Occupations with a 1.5% annual growth and Healthcare Practitioners/Technical Occupations with a 0.6% annual rate of growth. The Future Demand for these sectors is at least 375 jobs. Source: JobsEQ, 11/2017
Wages by Major Occupation Group Average Annual Wage: $31,926 compared to VA average: $54,276 Highest average wages Management Occupations ($98,300) Computer & Mathematical ($71,700) Healthcare Practitioners & Technical Occupations ($68,900) This bar chart displays the average annual wages for each of the 22 major occupation groups in Page County. The first bar shows the average annual wage of all occupations in Page County, which is $38,200 The highest average wages, reflected by the longest bars on the chart are Management Occupations with $98,300 Computer and Mathematical Occupations with $71,700 And Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations with $68,900 Source: JobsEQ® 11/2017
STEM-H Technician Statistics Data for 39 STEM-H Technician Occupations; does not include all existing STEM-H occupations Seven Categories Maintenance Technicians Machinists & Program Control Programmers Health Technologists & Technicians Engineering Technicians & Drafters Computer Support Specialists Agricultural Technicians Accounting & Administrative Coordinators Page and Accomack County: local statistics RMEP Southside communities: regional statistics The following slides contain employment and wage statistics for select STEM-H Technician Occupations. The statistics do not include all occupations in a specific field but are meant to provide an overview of example STEM-H jobs in a county or region. We created seven broad categories that include 39 occupations. The categories are: Maintenance Technicians Machinists & Program Control Programmers Health Technologists and Technicians Engineering Technicians & Drafters Computer Support Specialists Agricultural Technicians And Accounting and Administrative Coordinators The STEM-H Technician Statistics included in the community profiles for the Counties of Page and Accomack are local statistics. For the communities in Southside Virginia (which are the Counties of Charlotte, Cumberland, Halifax, Henry and Prince Edward, and the City of Martinsville) statistics are provided on a regional basis.
Current Employment & Future Demand: STEM-H Technicians Page County Current employment: 414 workers Future demand: at least 362 jobs Largest group Accounting & Administrative Coordinators Second largest group Health Technician Occupations Total employment of the select STEM-H Technicians in Page County is 414 workers and the Future demand is at least 362 jobs over the next 10 years, mostly due to retirements and turnover. The first bar shows that current employment in the selected Maintenance Technician Occupation group in Page County is 50 individuals (blue portion of the bar) and the Future Demand over the next 10 years is at least 44 jobs (the grey portion of the bar) Accounting & Administrative Coordinators are the largest group for Current employment with 203 workers and for Future Demand with 179 jobs, shown by the longest blue and grey bars Health Technician Occupations are the second largest group for Current employment with 118 workers and for Future Demand with at least 103 jobs *Data for select STEM-H Technician Occupations; does not include all existing STEM-H occupations Source: JobsEQ, 11/2017
Average Wages STEM-H Technicians Page County Average Annual Wage STEM-H Technicians: $36,400 Highest average wages Engineering Technicians ($52,200) Next highest average wages by sector Computer Support Specialists ($45,500) This bar chart displays the average annual wages of the seven STEM-H Technician groups in Page County. The first bar demonstrates that the average annual wage of all STEM-H Technicians in the County is: $36,400 The highest average wage, with the longest bar, is for Engineering Technicians, earning an average of $52,200 The next highest average wages are earned by Computer Support Specialists with $45,500 Agricultural Technicians earn the lowest wages (shortest bar at $31,300) *Data for select STEM-H Technician Occupations; does not include all existing STEM-H occupations Source: JobsEQ® 11/2017
Top Industries Employing STEM-H Technicians Largest two employment sectors Hospitals and Offices of Physicians (almost 18%) Next largest sector Wood Product Manufacturing (about 7%) This graph shows the top industries that employ STEM-H Technicians in Page County. For example, the first bar demonstrates that General Medical & Surgical Hospitals employ 10.4% of all STEM-H Technicians in Page County, making it the largest employment sector for these types of jobs. The second largest employment sector for STEM-H Technicians is Offices of Physicians employing 7.2% of local technicians. *Data for select STEM-H Technician Occupations; does not include all existing STEM-H occupations Source: JobsEQ, 11/2017
Job Growth by Education Levels Postgraduate degree and 2-year degree or certificate occupations forecast to grow On the job training (OJT) and no additional education occupations forecast to decline The following bar chart displays the predicted job growth by education levels required. For example, the first bar indicates that the number of jobs requiring a Postgraduate degree are expected to grow by 0.5% annually between 2016-2026 in Page County. The fourth bar for jobs requiring “previous work experience but no degree award” indicates a negative growth of 0.3%, which means these types of jobs are forecast to decline between 2016-2026 To sum up, Postgraduate degree and 2-year degree or certificate occupations are forecast to grow over the next 10 years Occupations requiring on the job training (OJT) and no additional education are forecast to decline Source: JobsEQ, 11/2017
Notes/Sources Population, Labor Force and Educational Attainment U.S. Census 2016, annual average growth rate since 2006; 2. U.S. Census 2010; 3. U.S. Census Bureau, ACS 2011-2015; 4. VA Dept. of Education, National School Lunch Program Free and Reduced Price Eligibility Reports Current Employment and Future Demand Statistics JobsEQ, 11/2017; Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Data are updated through 2016Q4 with preliminary estimates updated to 2017Q2. Forecast employment growth (2016-2026) uses national projections from the BLS, adapted for regional growth patterns by Chmura. 1: Future Demand = Growth Demand + Separation Demand; Growth Demand is the increase/decrease of jobs in industry due to industry growth/decline. Separation demand is the minimum number of jobs required due to replacements (i.e. retirements and turnover). Average Wages Source: JobsEQ® 11/2017; Occupation wages are as of 2016 and should be taken as the average for all Covered Employment Totals Employment/Future Demand totals may not match the sum of individual industry sectors or occupation groups listed due to rounding