Improving your work/life balance with MyAnalytics 9/22/2018 6:51 AM Improving your work/life balance with MyAnalytics Jared Matfess Solution Principal & Microsoft MVP Slalom Consulting © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Common Feedback from Information Workers We’re all so busy but I feel like we’re not moving projects forward. I just need some time to recover between meetings and think. We’re in so many meetings but they aren’t always a good use of time. I feel overwhelmed by my inbox.
Use time more effectively with MyAnalytics Insights into how time is actually spent Meaningful personal insights to target problem areas and track progress Increase productivity, efficacy and sense of control Outlook add-in, Weekly Digest and Dashboard provide actionable, private productivity insights Think of how many activities in your life are “app-ified.” Sleep patterns logged? Miles or steps you’ve walked? Calories eaten? We use a variety of devices and apps to automatically collect information about ourselves. What is the goal? We use personal analytics to help us understand how we can be more productive and improve our quality of life. Not too long ago, we introduced MyAnalytics, which uses the Microsoft Graph in interesting ways. Consider it your “fit-bit” for personal work productivity. It surfaces valuable insights about the way you work to help optimize your time for what matters most. MyAnalytics provides the most critical component for any change initiative, whether personal or organizational, measurement. You know the old adage, you get what you measure? Well this is true in personal productivity as well. MyAnalytics provides measurement and awareness, which in turn can drive powerful change. Already organizations are using MyAnalytics to demonstrate their commitment to employee work health and well being, driving new norms around email and meeting culture, and helping teams align on priorities. MyAnalytics provides users with a personal and private dashboard that provides immersive insights on how you spend your time and who you spend it with, as well as an Outlook add-in that provides actionable insights to help you be more productive, and a weekly digest. Ultimately, all of this helps individuals and teams increase productivity, efficacy and sense of control. Ultimately leading to increased retention, higher engagement and better performance at work.
How does MyAnalytics work? MyAnalytics uses calendar & email metadata, which typically represents up to 20+ hours of time use data per week for active users of exchange online Personal insights are put in context with aggregated and de-identified benchmarks such as company averages, average email read rates, etc. Information that is not already available to you is aggregated and de-identified. Microsoft extracts Exchange email and calendar metadata* for each knowledge worker within a specified population (e.g., geography, department, role, level, entire enterprise, etc.). Based on previous engagements, Microsoft can typically extract around 15-20 hours of time use data for individual contributors, 20-30 hours for mid-level managers, and 30+ hours for senior leaders and executives Metadata is de-identified and aggregated *Metadata: To line, From line, Email domain, Time stamps (sent/opened), Subject line (for email and meetings), Attachment (‘yes’ or ‘no’ only) Depending on the customer’s Exchange archival protocol, Workplace Analytics is capable of extracting historical email and calendar metadata for analysis (historic extraction ability also depends on data quality) To generate actionable insights, Microsoft combines the raw collaboration data with HR information to generate a robust view into the activities and communication patterns of a population HR data can be imported manually by Microsoft via a raw data file or via Active Directory Individual employees (and their related HR data) are de-identified and assigned a random ID number that is matched with collaboration metadata With email domains, Workplace Analytics also surfaces collaborative activities between the Workplace Analytics customer and external parties (partners, vendors, customers, etc.) Privacy and security Workplace Analytics and all used data remains Office 365 compliant Unique populations, including email addresses, levels, departments, and geographies, can be excluded in extraction and analysis In most engagements, customers implement a minimum threshold (typically 5) for data filtering (i.e., analysts can’t filter down to a single individual)
engagement & satisfaction 9/22/2018 6:51 AM If participants were able to recover at least 2 hours per person of Focus Time, the result is equivalent to an extra 100 productive working days 2 hours per week per participant of recovered Focus Time = 100 recovered working days / year* Improved employee engagement & satisfaction Imagine the results you could produce on behalf of your organization if 1000 individuals could recover a mere four hours of waste a week and channel it into productive work. That’s as if you were able to hire 100 additional employees! And, you have achieved the triple result of increasing employee satisfaction, reducing waste and producing higher quality output by focusing on what matters. When individuals take greater control of their time, they are able to work less while having a much greater impact on the business. You just have to make believers out of them during the adoption process. Reduction in wasted time & effort Focus on what matters most *Based on 10 participants and 40 working weeks / year © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Customer Story: Small Healthcare Firm 9/22/2018 6:51 AM Customer Story: Small Healthcare Firm Undergoing unprecedented growth (nearly doubling) Hub & spoke network model Expansion team spread out across 3 time zones Complaints about working long hours, too many meetings, not enough progress to meet business demands © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Success Plan Awareness Changed Behavior Active Planning 9/22/2018 6:51 AM Success Plan Awareness Changed Behavior Active Planning The Success Plan that you will need to follow in order to leverage this information to net a positive change is the following: More awareness – no doubt you have heard the old adage, you get what you measure? Well the first step is awareness, and the data in MyAnalytics provides that awareness. Changed behavior – the next steps is arguably the hardest, making change. And this is where the support of a team, sponsor or manager can make a huge difference. Active planning – Sustain these changes and new work habits with active planning and regular check ins with your sponsors and support network. Behavior Change - © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Demo of MyAnalytics Jared Matfess 9/22/2018 6:51 AM © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Resources Microsoft MyAnalytics 8 ways MyAnalytics creates better work habits Microsoft Workplace Analytics
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