Wesley Beddard Associate VP, Programs System Office Update Wesley Beddard Associate VP, Programs
TAC Reviews CAA – Section V-C: The Transfer Advisory Committee (TAC) is charged with ensuring compliance of institutional policies and practices regarding the CAA. To that end, a TAC Review Team, comprised of one UNC representative and one community college representative, will survey and review the institutional transfer credit policies and procedures of two UNC institutions per quarter. The TAC will report the findings to UNC-General Administration and the North Carolina Community College System Office. First review began this month.
Dual Enrollment
Summer Funding All curriculum courses (including DE modules) are eligible to earn budget FTE during the summer. This also includes all CCP offerings, which are tuition waived for eligible students/programs. 9/22/2018
System Conference October 9-11, 2016 Raleigh Convention Center Registration now open! RFP for Presentations is closed Association meetings 9/22/2018
NC Student Success Center Professional development Organizational development Best practices/shared learning Broker technical assistance: 9/22/2018
DRE Regional Listening Sessions 9/22/2018
Legislative Update SL 2015-241, Sec. 10.13 (HB 97) EDUCATOR PREPARATION PROGRAM APPROVAL PROCESS SL 2015-241, Sec. 10.13 (HB 97) CAREER AND COLLEGE READY GRADUATES (pages 109-110) SL 2015-241, Sec. 10.14 (HB 97) NC WORKS CAREER COACHES SL 2015-241, Sec. 11.7 (HB 97) NC GUARANTEED ADMISSION PROGRAM (NCGAP) 9/22/2018
Career and College Ready Graduates The SBCC, in consultation with the SBE, shall develop a program for implementation in the 2016-17 school year…. introduces college developmental math, reading, and English in the high school senior year and provides opportunities for remediation prior to high school graduation. 9/22/2018
Career and College Ready Graduates SBCC establishes measures for determining student readiness AND measures for successful completion to ensure college readiness Changes in curriculum, as necessary, to make remedial education courses mandatory for students who do not meet readiness indicators by their junior year 9/22/2018
C&CR Graduates Delivery of remedial courses by HS faculty consistent with policies set by the SBCC High schools shall use curriculum approved by the SBCC HS faculty shall successfully complete training requirements as determined by the SBCC 9/22/2018
C&CR Graduates Report due to Legislature by March 15, 2016 9/22/2018
SL 2015-241, Sec. 10.13 (HB 97) CAREER AND COLLEGE READY GRADUATES Proposed Plan: 2016-17 Regional Pilots The team recommends a requirement for pilots in each region of the State, including a minimum of 2 pilots in the following regions: Central NC Eastern NC Western NC Measures for Determining Student Participation in Remedial Coursework requirements for the College Transfer Career and College Promise (CCP) pathway would be the initial factor in determining whether a student would be required to enroll in remedial coursework during the senior year. 9/22/2018
SL 2015-241, Sec. 10.13 (HB 97) CAREER AND COLLEGE READY GRADUATES Pilot Program Models The NROC Project (Network Resources Open College and Career) NROC’s math and English programs are designed to be used with students striving to meet college entrance and placement requirements. Learners can work at an individualized pace and customized path through developmental studies. NROC would be used as supplemental instruction with the high school class. In the models that use supplemental instruction, the programming will be targeted to meet diagnostic-determined needs. 9/22/2018
SL 2015-241, Sec. 10.13 (HB 97) CAREER AND COLLEGE READY GRADUATES Transition Center Program The College Transition Center combines self-directed learning through a technology-delivered format, including teacher-led small group lessons and one-on-one interaction. Students can progress through the center at the pace their individual needs require. The College Transition Model would be incorporated into a summer bridge program between 11th and 12th grades. The Transition program incorporates content of the first two developmental math modules and the first developmental reading and English course. Students would engage in the Transition Model during a summer session. This could potentially be followed with enrollment in a supplemental instruction (NROC) model in the senior year. 9/22/2018
SL 2015-241, Sec. 10.13 (HB 97) CAREER AND COLLEGE READY GRADUATES SREB Math Ready The Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) Math Ready is a course taught by several secondary schools and approved to meet minimum admission requirements by the UNC system as well as the 4th math for NC Community Colleges Multiple Measures for Placement. College works with secondary partners to align the content of the Math SREB high school course with DMA 010-080. The college will work with the high school instructors to provide materials in support of this content alignment. 9/22/2018
SL 2015-241, Sec. 10.13 (HB 97) CAREER AND COLLEGE READY GRADUATES Assessment to Determine Successful Completion NCDAP, SAT, or ACT Evaluation of Pilots & Design for Professional Development While the pilots are in progress, the team, in conjunction with DPI will monitor, assess, and determine recommendations for which approach or approaches should be potentially scaled state-wide and for ongoing professional development and collaboration. Establishment of regional task forces can further develop and enhance the alignment of learning expectations 9/22/2018
Four tenants essential to support a successful program: Program development must be data-informed. One strategy may not sufficiently address the State-wide need. The program should build on policies already in place as well as possible partnerships with work already occurring within the State. Students who successfully complete the program should be career and college ready, including all public higher education in North Carolina. 9/22/2018
Wesley’s Crystal Ball 9/22/2018
Questions? 9/22/2018