Welcome to Catholic Charities’ Parish Secretary Luncheon And..... Happy Administrative Professionals Day!
The Mission of Catholic Charities: To promote healing, restore hope and affirm human potential through: SERVICES that empower VOICES that speak for justice PARTNERSHIPS that strengthen communities
Community members/leaders TODAY’S OBJECTIVE: So as to build Partnerships that Strengthen Communities, INCREASE AWARENESS empowering others* to improve lives and deepen faith. *Parishioners Parish leaders Volunteers Community members/leaders
INCREASE WHOSE AWARENESS? Catholic Charities’ Awareness Your parish/local community Needs Parish Ministries Community Partners Your Awareness How Catholic Charities can be of help to your parish/community Of each other’s needs How you can be of help to Catholic Charities
Session #1 – Identifying Needs TABLE DISCUSSION (20 minutes) Types of request for help at your parish Frequency of requests Most prevalent needs in your parish/local community Greatest unmet needs LARGE GROUP SHARING (15 minutes)
Needs Identified: Food –xxxxx Medical Equip. Money xxxx x Daycare Rent xxxxx Transportation xx Utilities xxxxxx Holiday help xxx Gas xxxx Grief Support Parenting grandkids Family/Marriage Counseling x Tuition Assistance Furniture x Exorcism Religious Articles
Needs Identified (cont.) Housing Household items Help moving Prayers Baby supplies Assistance for hotel stay Toiletries Language barrier Cleaning supplies Homelessness School supplies Clothing
GREATEST UNMET NEEDS Those that are last-minute (request same day as shut-off notice) Excessive cost of request Homelessness – sustainability For some parishes – all needs are unmet – no resources/funds
SESSION #2 – How Do You Help? TABLE DISCUSSION (20 minutes) Share your parish ministries and how they assist with requests for help Share community collaborators that assist with needs Share successful strategies LARGE GROUP SHARING (15 minutes)
How We Help St. V. DePaul Youth Group Men’s Groups Toiletry Drives Sr. Juana Grant Program Homeless Dinner Food Pantry Church Garden Knights of Columbus
Community Collaborators: Emergency Cold Shelter Family Promise Be Concerned United Ministries United Christian Volunteers Neighborhood resource center Mary Rose Mission
Successful Strategies Sr. Juana St. v DePaul Resource Card
Partnerships Strengthen Communities Catholic Charities Helping You: CHILD AND FAMILY COUNSELING HOUSING COMMUNITY OUTREACH
CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES Pregnancy Counseling Adoption Parenting Classes School-based Counseling Asset Building for Children (Classroom Prevention Groups)
COUNSELING Individual, Couples, Child, Family Substance Use Disorder Services (SUDS) High School SUDS
HOUSING SERVICES St. Joseph Residential Apartments Housing Counseling: Group Home Buyers Education Classes Individual Pre-purchase Counseling Mortgage Default/Delinquency & Foreclosure Prevention Financial Management/Credit Repair Financial Literacy
COMMUNITY OUTREACH Parish Kitchen Jail Ministry Human Trafficking Friends and Family of Incarcerated PAL- Parents of Addicted Loved Ones Human Trafficking Opportunities for Life Client Care
Partnerships Strengthen Communities Parishes Helping Each Other: Share today’s awareness of each other’s needs with your parish community: Your Priest(s),Deacon(s) Ministry Leaders School Leaders
Parishes Helping Catholic Charities: Publish bulletin announcements Invite us to speak at parish meetings: Parish Council, Ministry Groups, etc... Add us as a link on parish website Include our video on parish website Make our resources available to parish/community collaborators