General Education Program Chapman University General Education Program
Chapman’s old GE traditional distribution model of approved courses maintained disciplinary lines and departmental turf inflexible in accommodating student’s needs and interests unconnected with Chapman’s unique identity
Into the 21st century radical re-design to foreground interdisciplinarity and critical inquiry grounded in our Mission Statement promoted these values: personalized curriculum plan, encourages student responsibility, increases possibilities for student ownership and engagement 2. flexibility in design across all four years 3. balance of breadth and depth
1. personalized curriculum plan encourages student responsibility integrated learning, with students connecting the specialized knowledge of the major to ideas and methods outside their major discipline students shape their own academic program in the most purposeful way for their educational goals
2. flexibility in design across all four years allows intentional student choice in each GE area supported by faculty mentoring and advising services considers a university education as inquiry-based, with areas of inquiry overlapping across disciplinary boundaries
3. balance of breadth and depth gain breadth of knowledge in the liberal arts and depth of knowledge in areas unique to Chapman engage in experiential learning as thoughtful, principled citizens in a local and global sense integrate knowledge within and across disciplines
The GE program goals are to help students… develop the means of critical inquiry in academic and civic matters acquire a breadth and depth of knowledge in the liberal arts and in areas unique to Chapman cultivate ethical awareness in learning and practice become independent learners able to sustain a lifelong desire for intellectual growth
what we tell our students “The GE program is designed to help you personalize your academic plan, expand your breadth of knowledge, explore individual interests, develop a minor or second major, pursue experiential learning, and make connections across all of your undergraduate studies and experiences. You’ll work with your faculty advisor to develop an academic plan reflecting your goals and a timeline for completing your degree.”
Chapman’s General Education Program has four parts 1. Freshman Foundations Program 2. Shared Inquiry Courses 3. Inter/Multidisciplinary Cluster 4. Global Citizen Cluster* * There are two places here where a student may choose an experience outside the classroom.
Assessment protocol values Promote faculty ownership Faculty develop the criteria and rubrics Faculty meet and review student work The GE Committee, consisting of faculty and ex officio administrative officers, is charged with compiling and reviewing reports. Maintain interdisciplinarity Assessment reviews begin with student work.
Assessment protocol process Identify faculty who teach in each GE category Invite them to a workshop Work with faculty in developing rubrics Institute implementation of assessment in each College and unit Gather assessment reports Invite faculty back to review and make changes Collect all reports for review of entire GE program Re: WASC
Identify faculty who teach in each GE category Relying on administrative staff support, identify faculty who teach in each GE category and contact them electronically. Ask each of them to fill out and return a worksheet identifying what they believe their students do in their class that accomplishes the learning objective of each GE category.
2. Invite faculty to a workshop in each GE category Invite those faculty who complete and return worksheets, to a workshop to: Elaborate each GE category as necessary Lay groundwork for assessment rubric Hold workshop, and enjoy the wide-ranging discussion! Relying on staff support, keep a record of the above!
3. Work with faculty in developing rubrics Assessment officer and GE Committee members will craft rubrics for assessing student work as per the elaborated GE categories, and in the light of that student work faculty offered. Solicit opinions from faculty regarding the rubrics. Finalize assessment rubrics for faculty to use in each GE category.
4. Institute implementation of assessment Let faculty organize themselves for the purpose of gathering the student evidence, with staff assistantce, stipulating that: Student work will be gathered and assessed on a regular basis – e.g., annually. Samples of student work and a report on assessment will be provided to the University’s Assessment Officer.
5. Gather assessment reports Assessment reports will be reviewed by the Assessment Officer and then presented to and discussed with the GE Committee. Feedback will be made to the faculty teaching in each GE category.
6. Invite faculty back to review and make changes GE Committee may request a meeting with faculty to discuss findings and implementation of recommendations in any given GE category.
7. Collect all reports for review of entire GE program Assessment Officer will compile and maintain a record of GE assessment reports and periodically provide an overview report so as to describe the entire GE program at a point in time.
8. re: WASC A report on all GE assessment activities and reviews will be provided for WASC. Incorporate recommendations from WASC Review Report Hand over the entire process to a new GE Committee!
Joseph Slowensky, Jan Osborn, Gordon A. Babst Thank You! Joseph Slowensky, Jan Osborn, Gordon A. Babst