Marking Marketplace You must have 5+ student books from the same clas. Choose a table - sit anywhere - be prepared to move. You need: Pen Prior data Book-look proforma. Your student books x5
Rewind <<< September 2014 September 2015 September 2016 No more lesson gradings / teachers not graded Typically 3 observations per year IRIS introduced Yellow Box introduced September 2015 Learning Policy introduced / training. Tweaked teacher planner Book looks x2 (Nov 2015 and March 2016) Sampled teacher planner (February 2016) Key strategies introduced (March 2016) IRIS developing September 2016 Tweaked teacher planner (July 2016) Coaching (June 2016) New self-evaluation cycle. (July) 2017 Book methodology tweaking … plus new QK exercise books (Sep 2016) Open classroom / IRIS (Nov 2016)
“Fishing without the bait …” Looking at books WITHOUT context ...
A solution ...
“Fishing WITH the bait …” Looking at books WITH context ... … looking in student books is one source of evidence for assessing the quality of teaching across the school.
Objectives for today: To understand how to look at student books WITH context. To moderate High / Middle / Low attaining students in your class. To understand how we should sample other books in lessons. To moderate another classroom set of books from another department. Develop your ‘over time’ methodology CPD ...
What do books tell us? ONE source of ‘over time’. If students are making ‘expected progress’. Teacher expectations Classroom routines Access to the curriculum The school Marking Code Attitudes to learning (i.e. if students take pride in their work) The quality of feedback If effort is recognised … (i.e. if students are proud of their achievement) If students are ‘acting on feedback …’
Why? Student progress is more than Year 11 results. Years 7 - 10 assessments represent 80% of our student population. Book monitoring is one part of all sources of evidence. Any type of monitoring should inform and develop all teachers. All of Mark-Plan-Teach will be monitored, but the purpose is to ensure a ‘progress over time’ methodology rather than ease of monitoring …
Sources of evidence (over time) A secure overview? Working harder? Formative? Aware of target? Routines / Expectations / Attitudes to learning?
Over the past 18 months, we have ... a) conducted 2 book samples to gauge the QoT across the school b) that the process was triangulated by student interviews and work sampling in and out of class. Findings: We need a focused outcome e.g. the bait Less is more. We tweaked the form to focus on impact. A system taking more consideration of practical subjects where students did not typically work in books or complete extended pieces of writing.
One class group and 5+ students One student across all subjects
Reduce form filling to focus on ... ‘acting on feedback’.
65.9% 51.5% Student has acted on feedback / responded to feedback? Nov 2015: March 2016: 51.5% 65.9%
All data is shared with Heads of Faculty Anonymised
How can we improve the process for teachers and observers when looking at students’ books? more reliable / valid WITH bait (context) not without.
Guidance: Book-looks do not need to happen when the lesson is taking place. Context must be applied. Students identified before looking at … Prior data is used when sampling H/M/L. Different hat on: The QK template will not be suitable for some practical subjects. Ultimately, students must ‘act on feedback’ and demonstrate it.
Marking Marketplace: … it’s your turn to evaluate progress.
Marketplace: ROUND 1 of 3 Using the prior data (baseline) and the sample of student books you have in front of you, identify x3 students (High / Middle / Low). Open their books to the same (dated) piece of work. Now evaluate, is that student: Working on a pathway in-line to their prior starting point? E.g. HML; 4LOP Making sufficient progress? What actions would you recommend to the teacher?
Learning Policy (Mark) Marking and assessment have two purposes. One, students act on feedback to make progress over time. Two; it informs future planning and teaching. Teachers must have a secure overview of the starting points, progress and context of all. Marking must be primarily formative, may be selective, and include the use of ‘yellow box methodology’ which is clear about what students must act upon. Marking and feedback must be regular. The marking code must be used.
Marking Code
Marketplace: ROUND 2 of 3 Now repeat the same exercise, looking at another set of student books from a teacher in your department. Do this alone before feeding back after the 5 minutes.
Marketplace: ROUND 2 of 3 Using the prior data (baseline) and the sample of student books you have in front of you, identify x3 students (High / Middle / Low). Open their books to the exact (dated) piece of work. Now evaluate, is that student: Working on a pathway in-line to their prior starting point? E.g. 4LOP Making sufficient progress? What actions would you recommend to the teacher?
Learning Policy (Mark) Marking and assessment have two purposes. One, students act on feedback to make progress over time. Two; it informs future planning and teaching. Teachers must have a secure overview of the starting points, progress and context of all. Marking must be primarily formative, may be selective, and include the use of ‘yellow box methodology’ which is clear about what students must act upon. Marking and feedback must be regular. The marking code must be used.
Marking Code
Marketplace: ROUND 3 of 3 Now repeat the same exercise, looking at another set of student books from a teacher in ANOTHER department. Wait until the 5 minutes are up before: Feeding back your thoughts Returning to your own chair/set of books
Learning Policy (Mark) Marking and assessment have two purposes. One, students act on feedback to make progress over time. Two; it informs future planning and teaching. Teachers must have a secure overview of the starting points, progress and context of all. Marking must be primarily formative, may be selective, and include the use of ‘yellow box methodology’ which is clear about what students must act upon. Marking and feedback must be regular. The marking code must be used.
Marking Code
What next? Work sampling will happen 2-3 weeks after Assessment Points = more valid Prior data will be used to evaluate student work = more reliable Whole-school work sampling (Nov 2016 and March 2017) Department sampling - HoFs choose according to the needs of curriculum. Thank you - hope this helps. Feedback please … Coaching Teachers to remain here… Rest of time is yours in faculties. Coffee/Tea 4.30pm