You will be familiar with Bible passages such as Matthew 28 v 16 to 21 - The Great Commission. Verse 19 says: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations”, and John 20 v 21 where Jesus says: “Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” Your church along with all other churches is called to be involved in mission both at home and overseas. Whether your church is small, large, traditional or modern, its purpose is to share the gospel (mission).
Maybe you are involved by supporting mission agencies or/and sending your own teams with direct and indirect prayer support. Maybe you find it difficult to stretch your existing resources to support overseas mission. Without doubt the way we do missions is changing and many mission agencies are having to adapt to a new way of “doing” mission. Mission by your own teams or by supporting larger organisations or both
You are touching people’s lives. However you do mission it is important to get it right because what you do affects peoples lives both in the immediate future and for eternity. Let me challenge you today to think long and hard about your involvement in mission. More than that we would like to help you with that process through a one day seminar. This is a little different to other seminars you any have been to. It is church driven not mission driven and we are not supporting or suggesting you support any particular agency. You are touching people’s lives.
THE CHANGING FACE OF MISSION ANDREW CHARD BRYAN KNELL JOHN & GWEN HALL with CHRIS VIVIAN Director of AIM international. Author of “From Seed to Fruit” Sharing: “Five key Global Trends” Previous UK director of Arab World Ministries. Author of “The Heart of the Church and Mission” Sharing: “Mission at the Heart of the Church” T Key people (ex director, ex administrator and current administrator) in Romans 1:11 trust Sharing: “Putting Church at the Heart of Mission” Our notable speakers are people who have a wealth of experience in hands-on mission work. Their vision for the future of mission will challenge your concept of mission and its role in the church today. As above for three speakers
2. We are NOT promoting any individual missions. 1.We want to encourage you in the overseas mission work you are already doing. 2. We are NOT promoting any individual missions. 3. You can listen to three top speakers in Mission today, enjoy lunch and be involved in asking questions of the panel. Let me emphasise three key points about this seminar.
The Changing Face of Mission WHERE Cornerstone Church Hythe SO45 6BR WHEN 10th March 2018 Pick up our leaflet for more information or speak to me afterwards As Above plus: We are not asking for any money just come along and get involved. It would be great to see you there