Sit In Your Child’s Seat Year One
General Routines Registration is at 9am. Collective Worship is held everyday at 9.10. Read, Write, Inc everyday for 30 minutes. Maths and English everyday. PE is on Wednesdays and Fridays. PE kit (see school website).
Start and end of the day Children can come into the classroom from 8:45 onwards. Independence Morning activities are becoming more frequent. Please inform the school office if there are any changes to the ‘Going Home List’.
Homework Reading books are changed on a Wednesday afternoon. Read, Write, Inc spellings are handed out on Fridays and tested the following Friday. ‘Letter of the Week’ handwriting sheet is handed out on a Friday (this is not a homework requirement).
China! Geography – Studying physical and human features of China and Manton. Using compass directions to navigate on a map & creating a simple map. Science – Materials and their properties. Maths – Addition and subtraction to 20 (add by counting on, number bonds to 20, subtraction including crossing 10. English – Instruction writing (organising writing using learnt features) and revisiting the structure of a narrative. Art and DT – Develop their own ideas using sculpture and using a range of tools to perform practical tasks.
Progress Assessment strategies. Assessment is ongoing. If your child is not on track to meet ‘Age Related Expectations’ I will contact you (Parent meetings). Termly meetings with Mrs Graham to discuss the progress of the class.
Phonics Screening Carried out in June in a relaxed manner. Children will have to sound out (Fred talk) real words and ‘Alien’ words (made up words e.g. disp, murbs etc.)
Dates and Events 30th January – Rain Garden Coffee morning 27th February – Coffee morning to provide informal feedback on the new Positive Play and PE initiatives this year. 21st March – KS1 Cotswolds Wildlife Park trip (if you wish to help out, please let me know).
Open Door Policy I am always available to speak to you at the beginning and end of the day (or via a phone call). Please do not hesitate to speak to me if you have a concern or feedback. I want your feedback and involvement as it is pivotal to ensuring a school/teacher/parent/pupil partnership.
A Quick PPSA Message! There will be a display of PPSA committee members in reception. The PPSA meet once every 6 weeks, if you would like minutes from the meeting please let the PPSA know. All updates/future events will be found in the bi-weekly school newsletter. The PPSA work closely with the school to ensure we are not duplicating or holding too many events! Also we are really trying to push 'Matched Funding' .. Match giving or match funding is a simple way of maximizing the fundraising efforts of the PPSA volunteers. It is an informal albeit corporate arrangement between a company and their employee. if everyone can ask there employer (hubbies/friends too) to see if there company has this scheme. Normally companies will match up to £3,000 for an event. A fantastically easy way to raise money. Companies love being associated with this type of fundraising in partnership with there employee. All monies raised recently has gone towards furniture and books for the Library and School Lunch and now working with Yr5/6 on how to support creation of the quiet area. Hope this helps to spread the word.... being on committee or a helper really is 'fun'.. and not huge amounts of time just very worth while!