Matthew: Discipling the Nations The Great Commission All authority Make disciples of all nations Baptizing them in the name Teaching them The end of the world I am with you Table of Contents 1:1-7:27 His authority 7:28-10:42 Saved, disciple, worker 11:1-13:52 Gentiles hope in his name 13:53-18:35 Listen! 19:1-25:46 End signs 26:1-28:20 Resurrected 1999-2016 John (Jack) W Rendel
Matthew: Discipling the Nations Chronological Order CHILDHOOD 1:1-2:23 1:1-17 The Genealogy Jesus 1:18-25 The Birth of Jesus 2:1-18 King Herod Threatened (Magi) 2:19-23 Lived in Nazareth ADULT MINISTRY 3:1-4:25 3:1-12 The Preaching of John the Baptist 3:13-17 The Baptism of Jesus 4:1-11 The Devil Tempted (40 Days) 4:12-16 A Great Light in Capernaum 1999-2016 John (Jack) W Rendel
Matthew: Discipling the Nations Parallel Themes CHILDHOOD 1:1-2:23 1:1-17 Genealogy from Abraham 1:18-25 Concieved of the Holy Spirit 2:1-18 Herod: Worship him? 2:19-23 Adapted, like a missionary, to Nazareth (Galilee) ADULT MINISTRY 3:1-4:25 3:1-12 Children from stones to Abraham 3:13-17 Annointed by the Holy Spirit 4:1-11 The Devil: Worship me! 4:12-25 Was, like a missionary, a light in Capernaum (Galilee) 1999-2016 John (Jack) W Rendel