The 4-1-1 A simple, reproducible tool for training the saved to share with the lost What is it? 4 questions on 1 sheet of paper trained in about 1 hour What’s the main training goal? Showing others how to share the gospel in their oikos Guide: have each person get a piece of paper and fold it hamburger-ways. The following slides have the information that each person should write down in black, plus some tips on how to train in red. Remember: KEEP IT SIMPLE!
Tool: The Great Commission Vision Why? Tool: The Great Commission Vision Have everyone turn to Matt. 28:18-20 and read out loud, then ask them to answer the following Yes/No questions. In a group, have folks give a thumbs up for yes, thumbs down for no. All authority? Willing to Go? Make disciples? All nations? Baptize? Teach obedience? Trust that Jesus is with you always? Matthew 28:18-20 Note: Watch for those who say Jesus has all the authority, but aren’t willing to obey His commission. Circle back later with those folks, especially those that have not been baptized. The baptism question is 1) be baptized and 2) baptize others. Set a date/time for those that have not.
Who? Who did Jesus tell the man to go share with? BE SURE TO ASK: Tool: The Oikos Map Have everyone turn to Mark 5:1-20 and read out loud, then cast vision that this is who you can share with. Ask the questions written below and help them identify who God has placed in their life to share with and train. Who did Jesus tell the man to go share with? BE SURE TO ASK: Who are the lost people I can share with? Who are the saved people I can train? Note: make sure folks identify at least 5 lost they can share with and 5 saved to train. Give them time to pray and think. Who needs to hear what God has done in your life? Also, make sure everyone leaves empty circles at the end of every relational line – there’s always someone else that needs to hear the message.
What? NOW BEFORE Do you want to make Jesus your King? Tool: 1-1-1 (One minute, one story, one question) Have them look back to Mark 5:1-20 and ask the question: What did Jesus tell the man to share with his friends and family? Note: Model the 1-1-1 in as simple a form as you can. Then give everyone a chance to practice with their neighbor. Finally, in a group, line everyone up facing each other in two lines and rotate through, speed-dating style. 1-1-1: One minute: set a timer One story: answer each of the questions in 2 words: 1) What was life like before Jesus? 2) How did you meet Jesus? 3) What is so great about following Jesus now? One question: ask a question that invokes the will of the listener. BEFORE NOW Note: The goal is to integrate the gospel into your story. Ideally you can illustrate accepting Jesus’ gift of salvation (the cross) by submitting to His Lordship (the crown). Do you want to make Jesus your King?
Tool: Accountability Team When? Tool: Accountability Team Refer back to Matt. 28:18-20 and cast vision for obedience. Answer the following questions. When are you going to ____ for your oikos? Pray? Share? Train? Note: By this point everyone’s attention is dwindling, but make sure you hit this! Oikos Non-Oikos Love/Share Leave DBS DBS Baptize/Train Baptize/Train