Aim: How did Enlightenment ideas reform monarchies in Prussia, Austria, and Russia?
The Enlightened Despots Many philosophes, including Voltaire, believed that the best form of government was a monarchy where the ruler respected the people’s rights Philosophes tried to convince monarchs to rule justly Those rulers that embraced this new idea and made reforms became the enlightened despots Enlightened Despots supported philosophes ideas Had no intention of giving up their power Monarchs motivated by 2 desires 1) Makes countries stronger 2) Make own rule more effective 2
Frederick the Great Frederick II Reforms Most important contribution King of Prussia 1740-1786 Committed himself to reforming Prussia Reforms Granted many religious freedoms Reduced censorship Improved education Reformed the justice system Abolished the use of torture Most important contribution Attitude toward being king called himself “first servant of the state” 3
Catherine The Great Catherine II Ruled Russia (1762-1796) Ruled with absolute authority Sought to reform Russia 1767, Catherine formed commission to review Russia’s laws Reforms based on Montesquieu Recommended allowing religious toleration and abolishing torture, and capital punishment Catherine puts in place limited reforms Did little to improve life of peasants Views of enlightened ideas changed after uprising of serfs in 1773 Catherine’s army crushed rebellion Gave the nobles absolute power over serfs 4