Effective Teacher Partner up & name 5 characteristics that you think make up an effective teacher. Communicate Compassionate Knowledgeable Personable Perceptive.


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Presentation transcript:

Effective Teacher Partner up & name 5 characteristics that you think make up an effective teacher. Communicate Compassionate Knowledgeable Personable Perceptive Patient Ethical Flexible Motivator

Theory of Multiple Intelligence Dr. Howard Gardner John Corneliusen & Stacey Stannard

Dr. Howard Gardner Harvard Graduate School Psychologist & Professor in cognition & education. Best known for theory on Multiple Intelligences.

Dr. Gardner defines Intelligence as: The ability to solve problems or to make something that is valued in one or more cultures. "It is how we learn, process, and understand information". Gardner, H (1983). Frames of the Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York: Basic Books

Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Eight intelligences Rarely do they work alone but are combined in activities Most educational systems only teach and assess two intelligences: Linguistic (Verbal) & Logic (Mathematical) Some Visual / Spatial Majority of these assessments are not related to real life scenarios.

Benefits of Multiple Intelligence As teachers if we: Teach toward students intelligence strengths: “Can become self-promoters in their learning”.

Linguistic (Verbal) Intelligence Ability to use language powerfully in the forms of reading, writing, & speaking. Students who excel in: Class Discussions Can teach others Creative Writing Debating

Mathematic (Logic) Intelligence Ability to reason quickly, analyze problems, solve puzzles, or identify patterns & relationships through logic. Students who excel in: Sequencing Scientific Experiments Working with Computers Researching projects

Visual-Spatial Intelligence Ability to create and manipulate mental images and having an understanding of orientation of the body in space. Students who excel in: Illustrating information Cartoons Sculpting, painting, drawing Observations

Kinesthetic (Bodily) Intelligence Physical coordination & movement of the body by learning through physical activities. Student who excel in: Sports / Physical Activities Scavenger Hunts Acting out or dancing Building / Science experiments

Musical Intelligence Ability to express through music & rhythmic movements Students who excel in: Writing Lyrics / Music Singing Playing an instrument Studying Musicians & music

Interpersonal Intelligence Ability to communicate with & understand people & how to work collaboratively. Students who excel in: Interviewing Sharing & Class discussions Teach others / Problem solve Determine group rules

Intrapersonal intelligence Ability to understand own inner world of emotions & thoughts & being able to control & work with them consciously. Capacity to know one’s self Students who excel in: Independent projects Self reflection / Journals Autobiographies

Naturalistic Intelligence Ability to have a deep understanding of the natural world or plants and animals. Can see patterns in the Natural World. Students who excel in: Researching local/global environmental concerns Categorizing species of plants & animals Predicting problems in nature related to human habitation

Identify Intelligences used Draw your bedroom as it looks right now. Visual-Spatial & Logical When alone, I like to… Intrapersonal List three words that express your feelings about math. Verbal-Linguistic, Logical, & Intrapersonal Describe someone you really admire. Interpersonal & Intrapersonal

Think, Pair, Share While observing this presentation… What intelligences were incorporated during this PowerPoint presentation?

Questions to think about? What does it mean to be a multiple intelligence teacher? Knowing what I know now… How can I do a better of job teaching to the strengths of my students multiple intelligences?